8th Annual “Bum Rush the Boards”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday October 29, 2013
WHAT: 8th Annual Bum Rush the Boards Chess Tournament
WHERE/WHEN: Saturday November 2nd, 10am-4pm at the Columbia Heights Recreation Center (1480 Girard Street, NW)
ADMISSION: $10/player
CONTACT: Mike Santini, 202.667.1192, mvp@wblinc.org, Kymone Freeman, 202.413.6160, freeman@weactradio.com

(Washington, DC) For the last 8 years, Words Beats & Life has hosted Bum Rush the Boards, the world’s first hip-hop chess tournament to engage artist and chess communities in an educational experience unlike any other. Chess teaches in an almost brutal way. Taking the time to think before action is taken is difficult to learn. Studies show that kids who play chess improve their schoolwork and are better at solving problems. Therefore, chess should be more widely accessible to youth. These programs deserve constant advocates for bringing chess into the school from elementary through high school.
“We created the tournament to combat barriers of exclusion within the chess community and the new creative economy. In the past eight years, we have seen a number of positive developments in chess access, primary among them is Chess Challenge, a middle school based chess program. But the question remains, ‘Why doesn’t D.C. have a citywide strategy for chess education?”
–Kymone Freeman (co-founder)
The 8th annual Bum Rush the Boards Chess Tournament, consists of 3 rounds of team-based tournament play for youth, ages 5-23, as well as an individual’s tournament. Between rounds players participate in hip-hop workshops lead by Teachers and Volunteers from Words Beats & Life. Lunch along with an event t-shirt is provided with registration. For more information on player ranking and registration for Bum Rush the Boards, go to https://wblinc.org/bumrush/event-registration/ or call 202-667-1192 and ask for Mr. Mazi Mutafa. He can also be reached via e-mail at mazi@wblinc.org with the subject “Bum Rush”.
The end result of learning life lessons on chessboards serves to train young impressionable minds how to think. It develops the capacity to focus and concentrate. To ponder a problem before action is taken usually leads to the best solution. Life is a series of challenges and problems. The invaluable skills developed on chessboards should be more available to DC youth.
Words Beats & Life is proud to have Ward 4 Councilwoman and Mayoral Candidate Muriel Bowser join us for this event between 10am and 2pm.
Bum Rush The Boards Hip-Hop Chess Tournament
from Words Beats & Life on Vimeo.
The guy at 5:57 has some nice “Air Flares”.
HAHAHA. Wonderful!