Diamond hopes to sparkle at 2014 Nationals
Next month, Diamond Shakoor is scheduled to take part in three National events including the All-Girls National Championship in Northbrook, Illinois. Shakoor, a 12-year old, recently got 5.5/6 at the Gateway Classic. While her rating has hovered around 1270-1370 the last couple of years, she is playing on a consistent basis and trying to improve. Her career-high rating is 1416. The 7th grader moved with her father to St. Louis in 2012 to find more opportunities to express her talent.
All the best!
Diamond hopes to shine next month at Nationals.
Good luck Diamond in the All Girls Nationals! If you want to review your prior games just skype me. I’ll review your games free of charge and give suggestions.
Thank you very much Mr Glenn! Hope to speak to you soon! Much Respect!!!
Bro. Glenn please email me at urban.kings@yahoo.com. Peace and Blessings!!!
Do You! https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=lWA2pjMjpBs
@ Lionel Davis! Thank you! Peace and Blessings! Major plans for 2014! Please believe it! Enjoying the Journey!
Diamond won the State Championship for all of Missouri! On March 1, 2014! 9th Grade and Under Title! She is only in the 7th grade and is Homeschooled!!! She had 5 wins and 1 draw! Go Diamond! Her coach says keep winning and having fun! See you at the top!!!
Diamond, we were following your progress at the Susan Polgar’s Nationals. We’re very proud of your great effort and plus score. Keep keeping on, the reward is endless.