Ashley interview on Millionaire Chess, Part 3

“The event has really exploded on the public consciousness!”
~ GM Maurice Ashley ~

GM Maurice Ashley and Dr. Daaim Shabazz
during the 2014 Sinquefield Cup.
Photo by Rodney Thomas.
At the conclusion of the 2014 Sinquefield Cup, The Chess Drum got an opportunity to chat with Ashley. He discussed the Sinquefield Cup, the performance of Fabiano Caruana, the impact of this result on the top ten and why it matters. He then shared the progress of the Millionaire Chess Open which he says is moving as a blistering pace and more than 500 players from 40 countries have entered. It includes an impressive list of GMs including one who is expected to enter very soon.
He discussed some of the incentives which includes escort limousines for the first 20 GMs registered, entertainment, VIP rooms and everything Las Vegas has to offer. Ashley also mentioned the “Millionaire Chess” app that it available for download. It has the list of entries, user groups, puzzle of the day, MC store and even a countdown to the event.
Listen to Ashley’s interview! 12:58 minutes
GM MAURICE ASHLEYpresents the Thursday, October 9th through Monday, October 13th 2014 CONTACT: MILLIONAIRE CHESS email address: Twitter: |
Millionaire Chess Information Center
WOW, Interesting interview concerning respect and fear with Mo. Daaim , Wonder if Maurice is sayin Caruana got his result in the Sinquefeld Cup becuz of Respect and Nakamura result is becuz of fear? Just noticed today he didnt win a game in that event or against Carlsen or does he mean a general fear in St.Louis chess circles when the top guys arrive from different parts of the world which may influence nakas resulst? Nice Article though especially from an ULTRAMODERN point of view.