The Journal of Chess Research

A very interesting project was launched early this year. A group of scholars have collaborated to form a journal, but not simply your run-of-the-mill journal. It is a journal what will look at the multi-faceted nature of chess. Many see chess as a sport, game, art and also a science. It is the latter characteristic that may be where the power chess as a social science can be seen.

The 26-member editorial board consists of scholars with varying degrees of chess involvement… some master-level players and others with simply an interest. It is not certain how these board members were chosen, but their backgrounds cover a number of disciplines. The first issue was scheduled to be released in the summer and the website will cover ongoing developments.

The Journal of Chess Research is published quarterly in Lexington, Kentucky, and distributed to university libraries, academicians, chess players, researchers and other interested parties in printed and electronic formats. Each issue contributes broadly to awareness and understanding of the impact of chess on human development, psychology, cognition, philosophy, sociology, aging, business strategy, education and technology. Manuscripts that make strong empirical and theoretical contributions to the field of chess-related research are invited from scholars throughout the academic community, both in the United States and abroad, and need not be tied to any particular discipline or national context. Inquiries concerning proposals, abstracts and other matters should be mailed to the publication office at: Journal of Chess Research, 3735 Palomar Centre Drive, Suite 150, Lexington, KY 40513

A “premier” or “preview” Issue is tentatively scheduled for release on October 26, 2014, to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Adriaan DeGroot, considered by many as the “father of chess research.” Subscriptions to the Journal of Chess Research are a benefit of membership in the International Society for Chess Research. Go here for membership and subscription information. This web site will provide information concerning past and present content in the Journal of Chess Research, as well as sources of previously published research material and links to information about chess researchers and their work. We appreciate your patience while we add material to the site.

Journal of Chess Research
3735 Palomar Centre Drive, Suite 150
Lexington, Kentucky 40513

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