WCC2014: Closing Ceremonies

Magnus Carlsenstops to sign autographs.
Photo by Vladimir Barsky.
Viswanathan Anand and wife Aruna Anand exchanging pleasantries with former champion Anatoly Karpov. Photo by Anastasia Kharlovich.
Magnus Carlsen was re-crowned as the world champion, a berth that will last until 2016. He defeated challenger Viswanathan Anand 6.5-4.5 in an exciting, albeit imperfect match. The match was viewed by millions in nearly 200 countries. The results were announced by Chief Arbiter Andrzej Filipowicz.
The closing ceremony brought both competitors on the stage to receive commendations and most importantly the champion’s cup and wreath presented to Carlsen by FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin made congratulatory remarks before the award presentation. It was the first time a Head-of-State had made such remarks to the champion.

FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov preparing to award medals.
Photo by Anastasia Kharlovich.
President Vladimir Putin on stage with challenger Viswanathan Anand, champion Magnus Carlsen and FIDE President, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. Photo by Vladimir Barsky.

Carlsen gives his remarks after receiving the trophy.
In his remarks, Carlsen thanked his team (including his doctor and cook) for their diligence during the match. He also gave thanks to the fans and in a touch of class, honored his opponent Viswanathan Anand. Ilyumzhinov made additional comments extolling the success of the match and its organization. He mentioned that Putin opened the door for the match to be held in Russia. Leading up to the match, the match had no bidders. However, he has already announced that the World Championship in 2016 will be held in the USA.

Vintage autographed board.
GM Magnus Carlsen, World Champion
Photo by Anastasia Kharlovich.
Interview with Magnus Carlsen
Videos by sochi2014.fide.com.
Anyone knew if the 2016 WCC USA city been confirmed?
No confirmation that I know of.
Daaim any stats on the last time the match was held here?
1995 was the last WC match in the US. It wasn’t the “undisputed” title, but rather the PCA version, where Kasparov beat Anand. The 1990 undisputed match (Kasparov-Karpov) was half in NYC, half in France.
oh Yeah Boyd right! lol , i was kinda thinking about the whole match, perhaps it was never held in U.S. appreciate the input though! tx.