Bennett hosts 2015 DC Summer Series
DC SUMMER QUICK SERIES I New Community Church ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE MEMBERS OF THE USCF! 4SS, G/15. Entry Fee: $20 (GMs free!) Prizes: $175 guaranteed – 1st $100 – 2nd $50 – 3rd $25. Registration: 6:15-6:45 pm. To pre-register, please send your name and USCF ID to We have a limited amount of equipment to provide so please bring your chess sets; and chess clocks, (if you have them), set for G/15. Please feel free to email * * * DC SUMMER SCHOLASTIC SERIES I Location: New Community Church A FREE US Chess Federation (USCF) rated scholastic open tournament for K-8th grade players! ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE MEMBERS OF THE USCF! USCF membership can be purchased online at: Sections – K-1, K-3, Elementary: K-6, Middle: K-8 Awards – 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophy for each section. Top female trophy for each section! 4 – SS, G/30 Please register early as our space is limited to 50 players! * * * |