2015 World Chess Cup: Round #5

2015 World Chess Cup
September 10th-October 4th, 2015 (Baku, Azerbaijan)
Match Scores (Round #5)
1 Svidler, P
Wei Yi
2 Vachier-Lagrave, M
Giri, A
3 Mamedyarov, S
Karjakin, S
4 Eljanov, P
Nakamura, H
Drum Coverage
| Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 |
| Semifinals | Finals |

Official Website: https://www.bakuworldcup2015.com/
All PGN Games (TWIC): https://www.theweekinchess.com/
Rules and Regulations: https://www.fide.com/FIDE/handbook/WorldCup2015Regulations.pdf


  1. Round #5 – Game #1
    Wednesday, 23 September 2015

    Eljanov sharp…stuns Nakamura!

    Pavel Eljanov has been the best player in the tournament thus far.

    Today’s first game of the quarterfinals was all about Pavel Eljanov. The Ukrainian upended the American star with a display of powerful play from a Catalan. Hikaru Nakamura, from which kinetic energy radiates in his play, tried to catch his opponent napping. On 15…Bh7!? white had a bit more play in the center. Eljanov uncorked 20.Nxb7! ultimately giving up two minor pieces for a rook and two pawns.

    Eljanov battered down the door, burst into the castle and the king was falling prey to a unique double rook mating attack!

    The problem with Nakamura’s pieces was the mobility. The knight and bishop were not able to work harmoniously until it came to stopping the a-pawn. Eljanov played 31.Rab2! seizing the b-file and his rooks were soon pillaging the queenside. While black was running out of the moves, the white king made a sudden dash to weave a mating net around the black king. Eljanov missed mate a couple of times, but it was a superb show of creativity and power play. Nakamura will be forced to win and if he does so, he will get the new nickname “The Comeback Kid”.

    In Mamedyarov-Karjakin, the Azeri crowd was anticipating another fallen black king, but the Russian fought and fought and fought staving off what appeared to be a certain loss. After torturing Karjakin for hours, Shakh played 69.f3? giving black a chance to get the pawns off the board. Then he let the trapped black rook out of prison and the game flat-lined to 0.00. The support for Mamedyarov is increasing and the President of Azerbaijan Chess Federation Elman Rustamov weighed in,

    “The main reason of my coming today is to support Shakhriyar Mamedyarov. I met him before the game and wished him success in the upcoming match. I really wanted him to know that we believe in him and all of us really want him to gain success in this tournament, though I understand this is a very hard tournament and that the best players in the world play here. Everyone wants to succeed in this World Cup, so the competition is very tough”.

    Will Shakh come through?

    Not the game of the day, but fireworks expected tomorrow and Wei Yi-Svidler!
    Photos by FIDE.

    Replay of Round #5, Game #1


    Videos by chess24.com.

  2. Round #5 – Game #2
    Thursday, 24 September 2015

    Nakamura, MVL ousted… two tiebreaks left!

    Hikaru Nakamura may have been eliminated, but he has already qualified via Grand Prix and rating. He could not muster up any compilations today to level the score. In his game with Pavel Eljanov, he could not create any imbalances.

    Replay of Round #5, Game #2


    Videos by chess24.com.

  3. Round #5 – Tiebreaks
    Friday, 25 September 2015

    Russians go through… join Giri and Eljanov in semi-finals

    Sergey Karjakin and Peter Svidler exchanging pleasantries,
    but they could face in the final.

    Replay of Round #5, Tiebreaks

    Videos by chess24.com.

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