1st Jamaican Qualifier (2011)

The first qualifier for the 2011 National Chess Championships will take place May 21-22, 2011 at the Half Way Tree Entertainment Centre.
NOTE CAREFULLY: Winning or placing in the tournament does not guarantee qualification, instead it may allow you to place higher on the selection index, and provides an opportunity for additional games.
10 Swallowfield Road, Kingston 5 (322-2143)
JCF Vice-President NM MARK HOLNESS (375-7733)
JCF Secretary MICHAEL RAMSAY (562-0952)
Sections: Group A– Closed to players with a rating above 2200; Group B– Open to players with a Jamaica Chess Federation rating above 1800 and a FIDE rating under 2200
Time controls: Game in 60 minutes with 30 second increments. The tournament is to be FIDE and locally rated. Entry fee to be decided.
Note: There will be no monetary prize fund
For even more information: https://tinyurl.com/43rq2hb
Thank you for the coverage. As you can see I am “trying” to play some chess again (representing the “old school”!) after forced breaks due to work pressure etc. John Tobisch laments repeatedly about the absence of regularly published analyses by chess players, especially those from Jamaica. I’d include other parts of the West Indies and the African diaspora. Trying to bridge the divide!
Interestingly, apart from playing, one of the things that give me sheer joy is to analyse – without the computer and then to check stuff with the silicon beast. In fact, I also get pleasure out of reading the books by the greats (especially the word champions), playing over the moves and checking the analyses myself even without the aid of any engine. I feel as if I am taken back in time and am present when the moves are made, watching the drama unfold.
Blitz is fun but I have rarely played it over-the-board. I can count those games on my two hands in the ten or so years I have been involved in chess. I have also stopped playing blitz online and spend any time I can find playing over games from the past, doing analyses etc.
The intensity with which I see the leading (serious!) players analyse, especially at the Olympiad, is instructive. A number of players annotate/analyse their games deeply (I know that Jamaica’s IM Jomo Pitterson is one such player) but do not publish them for obvious reasons. A balance needs to be struck between protecting “secrets” and educating the public, especially young juniors hungry for a diet of good, instructive analyses.
By the way, apart from lines, variations etc. I keep emphasizing to a number of players in Jamaica that their analyses are important for the mental element, so that they can give guidance re the thought process.
One will simply not get better and get the elo points without doing the “work”…but this is “fun” work. That is how I see it. It is the age-old “preparation”, nothing short of that will do. I get great fulfilment after preparing and seeing the benefits of this unfold. My recent “decent” performance in the Qualifier for the Jamaican championships is an example. Although I did not have as much energy as I would have liked, I prepared a number of lines (and did a lot of analysing) and got to play them in a few instances.
In this internet age, players from the West Indies, Africa etc. have no excuse justifying the absence of analyses. Let us hope that some of the more famous players like Simutowe, Gwaze, Kobese, just to name a few, will remedy this matter sooner than later.
Some time ago on this site you had an analyst competition going. I specifically remember a “clash” between Jamaica’s FM Warren Elliott and Trinidad’s FM Ryan Harper. Perhaps we need more of that kind of thing.