2015 London Chess Classic (Round #4)

Round #4: Tuesday, 7 December 2015
Anish Giri ½-½ Levon Aronian
Magnus Carlsen ½-½ Michael Adams
Hikaru Nakamura 1-0 Viswanathan Anand
Veselin Topalov ½-½ Fabiano Caruana
Alexander Grischuk ½-½ M Vachier-Lagrave
Girl plays 1.Nc3 for ceremonial move. Would Carlsen keep that move?
Photo by Ray Morris-Hill.

It is disrespectful to call Anand anyone’s ‘client’ but you
simply need to find a different way of putting it.
Photo by Ray Morris-Hill.
1st-3rd: Nakamura, Vachier-Lagrave, Giri, 2.5; 4th-8th: Grischuk, Carlsen, Aronian, Adams, Caruana, 2; 9th: Anand, 1.5; 10th: Topalov, 1.
Games (Round #4): https://www.thechessdrum.net/palview7/london15-4.pgn
Replay of Round #4
Video by CCSCSL.
Official Site: https://www.grandchesstour.com (live games)
Video Archive: https://livestream.com/accounts/3913412/events/4518826
Drum Coverage: https://www.thechessdrum.net/blog/2015/11/29/2015-london-chess-classic-london-england/
The rivalry between Nakamura and Carlsen reminds me of the rivalry between Marshall (Nakamura) and Capablanca (Carlsen).
Interestin Comparison, UM not sure what marshalls record is vs Capa the Genius, ive heard naka losin badly in his matchup vs magasparov, not sure of the score, maybe something can be LEARNED from all this Ultrathanks ill take a look!
Capablanca’s lifetime score against Marshall was 21 wins, 2 losses and 28 draws. Marshall was a very aggressive attacking player and Capablanca the positional Master.
Wow! Really? well Ultrathanks, havent studied the old Traditional Gms in quite awhile ill check the database to see what happened to marshall should be a good chess exercise! Oh then by association u suggestin that nakas attackin style/fightin spirit, gets him in trouble vs Magnus? Clearly from an Ultramodern point of view he will be strugglin for a draw tommorrow! I see hes currently practicin with the other top traditionalist Aronian, who just played Rock a6? funny move!!! hahaha.
Hi Lionel, as things look at the moment it might be a case of history repeating itself where a brilliant attacking player can’t get pass a rock solid positional player.
Perhaps,Ultrathanks Leonard for your insight, especially for our children they can use the wisdom that we spread on the chessdrum , its important for us to do the actual work and not wait for some guy with a gm title or some ratin to provide information for them, apparently that traditional behavior for us hasnt worked for them, like waiting for gm LarryC or some dude to do a video or something and we just sit back and say, hopefully one of our children might get it right and get some title so we can talk about it, so thanks again for being PROACTIVE!!!
My pleasure Lionel. I am holding thumbs for a GREAT battle today from these 2 gladiators. Hopefully not a Berlin. Carlsen must open d4 and Nakamura will certainly play the Kings Indian. That will be a treat.
oh the Sav! lol makes sense i wuz think QGA, Topy got the Funny Knight workin vs Aronian , the traditionalist sayin topys moves looks wacky! hehe.