HHCF now in seven schools!
The Hip Hop Chess Federation is expanding from their humble abode. The organization is now in seven schools with more in waiting. The HHCF is launching a fundraiser to help with expansion plans. As important as the growth is, it is just as important to meet the demand. Adisa Banjoko, HHCF founder has been working diligently to bring his triumvirate philosophy of hip hop, chess and martial arts to at-risk schools.
Please donate to HHCF and help us continue to grow at risk kids intellectually and physically. I know times are tough, I know there is nothing easy happening anywhere. But this program works and is in need of folks who understand the value of what we do, to step in, in this moment. The needs are immediate. If you know others, or brands, or companies that donate to 501c3’s please point them in our direction.
From the Streets to the Classroom – Help today’s youth become tomorrow’s leaders… the next Zuckerburg, Spielberg, Gesina Keating or Curry is sitting in a class right now. We give them the tools to reach their potential crowdrise.com.
If you are seeking information on the HHCF Chess and Life Strategies program, you can send email contact@hiphopchessfederation.org and apply. Also call Bay Area HHCF HQ 888-588-4418.
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