Detroit CCC hosts Barclay, Shabazz!

National Master Kayin Barclay taking on 30 students
at the Detroit City Chess Club. All photos by Daaim Shabazz.
Kevin Fite and Sherman Redden, Sr. of the Detroit City Chess Club (DCCC) have invited National Master Kayin Barclay and Dr. Daaim Shabazz of The Chess Drum to the organization’s annual banquet. Last night Barclay gave a 29-board simultaneous exhibition at the Charles H. Wright African-American Museum. The young master faced 30 students from the Detroit area.
The students were looking very sharp and were determined to beat the freshman from Morehouse College. Two were successful and two players held Barclay to a draw for a 26-2-2 score. There were some interesting positions and Barclay wiggled his way out of more than one losing position.
The DCCC will hold their banquet at 6:00pm tonight at the Detroit Yacht Club which sits on Belle Isle, a scenic island on the river between Detroit and Canada. Tickets are $60.00 for adults and $25.00 for children.
(L-R) Kevin Fite, NM Kayin Barclay, Dr. Daaim Shabazz, Sherman Redden, Sr., Kayeen Kemp
Stay tuned for more photos!!
Detroit, Michigan 48207
(248) 905-5560
Kevin Fite and Kayeen Kemp checking the choices.
The “Wall of Fame”. Does this sound familiar?
Yep… it was goooood!
I know, I know… you eat Ethiopian food with your hands, but we ran out of injera bread! 🙂 More was on the way, but I couldn’t wait.
Yummy — however I don’t see any kitfo on your plate. 🙂
Ah yes… kifto. They had a special Saturday menu and didn’t see kifto, but they had some plaintains! I have never been to an Ethiopian restaurant that sold plaintains, but I would imagine they are catering to Rastafarians in Detroit who most certainly eat there. Rastas have a very interesting relationship with Ethiopia. They also had fresh juices… I got carrot, apple and ginger. I would highly recommend the place. The owners are really nice!
The banquet was great! The Yacht Club had a nice quaint ambiance and everyone was in a great mood. The Detroit CCC players were playing bughouse before the event. I gave the keynote and I recorded it, but had weak batteries, so the audio is not crystal clear. The food was good and everyone was dressed for the occasion. The Master of Ceremonies was Huel Perkins, Anchor at Detroit affiliate Fox 2 News. On the right is me with Kayin Barclay (in his Morehouse tie). Kevin Fite is really a special chess coach and after spending the day with him, I realize the impact he has had on thousands of kids. Detroit is better for it!
just opened this page as I am listening to Eminem,welcome to Detroit ,
Here is the Chorus
[ Chorus – Eminem ]
Where’s my gangstas and all my thugs,
Throw them hands up and show some love
And I Welcome u to Detroit City
I said welcome to Detroit City
Every place everywhere we go
Man we deep everywhere we roll
Ask around and they all know Tricky
Ask whats good and they all say Tricky
Nice meal so it seems Daaim,Do you practise what we call Ital living? YES I GOT D SPELLING RIGHT.
Ital… yea man!
Detroit is an interesting place. The city has so much culture and history. The Motown history is a legend by itself. I was pointed out where the Temptations lived and saw Berry Gordy’s former mansion with a bowling alley. I listened to one story after another about Mayor Coleman Young and his heyday. Walter Shoulders, retired Assistant Police Chief told me about the STRESS police unit in Detroit and the time Nelson Mandela came to Detroit.
In Chicago, we followed Mayor Young. When Harold Washington became mayor of Chicago, Blacks had a powerful duo in two large Midwestern cities. Both were charismatic, outspoken, were antagonists and were loved by the working class and poor. Mayor Washington used to used big words, was humorous and totally confounded his White counterparts. Detroit and Chicago are kindred cousins.
I went on an extensive tour and hopefully Detroit will rebound from the economic woes. There are many landmarks in Detroit but you will also see the remnants of destitution and despair. I was told that there was still damage from the 1968 riots after Martin Luther King’s assassination. I was shown Joy Middle School that was said to be a total madhouse where students were throwing papers in class and beating up teachers and students.
All this is evidence that we need to continue to support youth programs like the Detroit City Chess Club.
Detroit Yacht Club
All photos by Daaim Shabazz.
Detroit Yacht Club.
DCCC members playing bughouse.
Kevin Fite presenting awards.
Members of the Detroit City Chess Club.
Kenneth Morris of Detroit Institute of Arts, Daaim Shabazz
and Kayin Barclay pose with DCCC youth.
Here are more pictures from the Detroit City Chess Club event earlier in the month. I have them up on Picasa.
Good pics from Detroit. Good to see the kids playing and learning chess.
Here is my keynote speech. Enjoy!
Wow! Absolutely Amazing!
Brother shabazz,
It was a pleasure and a honor to have you as a part of our Third Annual Banquet Celebration Weekend. Our members are still talking about the event and we are hoping to maintain and stregthen our relationship with and with Young Brother Barclay. Our club has enjoyed more sucess. We have members that have won championships in the Metro Detroit Scholastic Chess League thru their schools in the elementary, middle and high school divisions. Kevin Fite’s Cornerstone and Eagle Creek teams won the city titles in the elementary and middle school divisions and Coach Glen Barnett’s Cass Tech team won the title in the High School division. We also have members that are winners of the State of Mi Scholastic Chess Title. DCCC members have also won State of MI Individual Scholastic Chess Championships. DCCC also won the State of MI Scholastic Chess Club Championships in the elementary, middle and high school divisions. Again, we Thank You for being apart of our celebration. Trust me we shall do it again.
Sherman L. Redden Sr.
Executive Director
Detroit City Chess Club