Tate’s bio “Triple Exclam” making moves

Fantastic, ‘magnificent’ product which will in time be duly recognized as a ‘magnum opus’!

~Ian Wilkinson, Jamaica Chess Federation

Retail Price: $40.00 (full color, hard back)

On March 11th, The Chess Drum announced the release of Emory Tate’s biography, Triple Exclam!!! The Life and Games of Emory Tate, Chess Warrior and the book has been warmly embraced by the chess community. The biography comes in the aftermath of Tate’s death October 17, 2015 when he was stricken by a heart attack during a chess tournament in California. He was 56.

Tate was an artful figure of chess throughout his playing career and enthralled fans with his charisma and signature tactical style. He also enjoyed postmortem sessions and was in his element in conducting them. The book actually transcribes two of these sessions making for colorful prose. Below are a few selections from Triple Exclam.

Introducing “Triple Exclam”

Currently, there is a 10% volume discount for quantities of five or more and a 20% discount to FIDE’s CACDEC countries (see below). Hopefully, there are CACDEC funds that will help to offset exorbitant shipping fees. Tate is not known to have visited the African continent but had a legion of fans there as well.

Note: Triple Exclam has been sold out. Another printing has not been planned, but if there is enough demand, then The Chess Drum may proceed with another small print run.

The Chess Drum, LLC is a publisher of chess news content and literature. The organization’s website has continued to demonstrate the universality of chess by covering a variety of topics through news stories, essays, interviews, and photos since 2001. Visit The Chess Drum at thechessdrum.net and follow the beat on Facebook and Twitter!


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