Great Moves by Sunil Weeramantry
FM Sunil Weeramantry’s reputation precedes him. The famed scholastic coach has gained his notoriety by his writings and coaching a generation of chess players including his stepson, Grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura. Years ago he authored the popular Best Lessons of A Chess Coach which has become a staple for chess instruction. Several months back he released a new book titled, Great Moves: Learning Chess Through History.
This book is an enjoyable journey through the history of chess with instructive exercises of classic games. In the age of computer-assisted learning, the book is very interactive and will make for a good guide for students. In a time where children are not reading as much (or as deeply) as previous generations, it will be quite a benefit for the student who can work through all the lessons.

FM Sunil Weeramantry
Photo by CCSCSL
There are also questions after the short lessons invoking discussion. Not only will the book give the player and parent an appreciation of chess, but will provide them with a memory of immortal games. In fact, the book ends with American champion, Paul Morphy. Here is one of his games that is a popular teaching tool.
Sunil has launched a fundraising campaign to expand his efforts of the NSCF. Here is a letter from Robert McLellan, Director of Communications & Development:
Hello Everyone,
I am writing to folks with whom I have previously, at some point in the past few years, been in contact with on behalf of Sunil. He’s never been one to focus on fundraising for the NSCF, but this effort might be of particular interest, especially to those who have known Sunil for any length of time, and those who perhaps read his Best Lessons book once upon a time.
I have just put up a fundraising campaign on the NSCF website to help us create an entirely new edition of Sunil’s book (co-written with Ed Eusebi) “Best Lessons of a Chess Coach.” We are taking a bit of a crowdfunding/kickstarter approach to this effort so there are rewards so we can acknowledge support and it’s still a tax-deductible donation to the NSCF. This year (2018) marks the 25th anniversary of the original edition, but Sunil, Ed and I are working on an entirely new production. Based on the original recorded lectures still, the book is being extensively re-written, with 2 new lessons added, and other updates throughout. We hope that this new book (both print and interactive online edition) will be a useful instructional tool for new generations of players.
If you are interested in reading about what we are working on, please visit the Crowdfunding – Best Lessons of a Chess Coach page on our website. If you can help us along, that would be great. If you know others who might be interested, from Sunil’s many friends in the international chess world to his many students, please feel free to pass this along.
Thanks for the consideration,
Robert McLellan
Director, Communications & Development
Tel. 818-469-2063 •
A new curriculum project from NSCF. Published by Mongoose Press
Great Moves: Learning Chess Through History
a blended learning book that teaches chess and social studies
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