Carlsson tours Kenya!
GM Pontus Carlsson is becoming a regular on the African scene to conduct training sessions. The Swedish national participated in the 2017 Africa Tour visiting Botswana, Namibia and Zambia. The trip, sponsored by the Paul Allen Foundation, was a rousing success and featured other Black chess masters including Maurice Ashley and Kenny Solomon.
His latest visit to Kenya was sponsored by MiniChess, an initiative started in South Africa by Marisa van der Merve. The program as launched in December 2015 and signed Kasparov Chess for Africa as a partner.
Hi Daaim just so that you know I am in Kenya now and will do some big Exhibition at the big Shopping Mall Village Market in 2 hours.
As of recent, Carlsson has been developing his chess webinars, but he recently visited Kenya for series of events. He was featured November 26th during “game night” at the Village Market mall with Brian Kidula of the Terrian Chess Academy serving as his host. He urged Kenyans to come out to “watch, play, learn chess in 5 minutes” and to learn about chess initiatives in Kenya. He also visited school children in Nairobi and Mombosa.

Carlsson at a press conference shortly after arriving in Nairobi.
Carlsson with Brian Kidula of Terrian Chess Academy
The expressive GM gives words of encouragement.
Carlsson giving a blindfold exhibition
Photos by Terrian Chess Academy
Carlsson has entered into a strategic partnership with the Terrian Chess Academy “with the goal of making Kenya a chess powerhouse, as well as empowering the youth with logical thinking, planning, memorization techniques and visualization skills; which will be critical aids in shaping their lives.” The Club added that the Nairobi Safari Club helped with the accommodation for the 12 days.
Turning Kenya into a chess powerhouse is a tall order, but with the webinar format it could be suitable if the right infrastructure is put into place. Carlsson conducts group lessons and can continue the relationship with African talents. We look forward to see the results of the initiatives.
If you are interested in contacting GM Carlsson and signing up for his webinars, please contact him with the following information:
Twitter: @GMCarlsson
Facebook: Pontus Carlsson