The Chess Drum salutes Jamaica’s 50 years in chess!

This evening at 7pm the Jamaica Chess Federation (JCF) will celebrate its 50th anniversary at the famous Pegasus Hotel. Since February 18, 1969, the federation has evolved and is experiencing a surge of growth in Chess-in-Schools with 50,000 new players in the past decade. The JCF has blossomed under the leadership of Attorney Ian Wilkinson QC, who follows in the footsteps of other pioneering lawyers.

The celebrative event will attract a number of dignitaries and of course several generations of chess players and officials. The Jamaican Chess Federation has released a resume from the past 50 years and it contains landmark achievement including its joining FIDE in 1972, an iconic year for chess indeed.
The Chess Drum has been covering Jamaican chess for the past 18 years. This coverage also included a historic trip to the “land of wood and water” with (now GM) Amon Simutowe. This was dubbed, “The Pan-African Chess Wave” and included participation in the Harold Chan Open. Hopefully, The Chess Drum can make a return and help in building the history for the next 50 years.
Video by The Chess Drum
Frist i would like to thank dihiam shabazz…for the effort he has put into pan African chess…thxs doctor…this is tje one site that i like to c continue cause it brings so much info the its veiwers..the Philly connection…peace