Ramson to host Chess Girls DC fundraiser August 30th

Chess Girls DC

Robin Ramson has undertaken an important initiative in the DC and for the past six years she has trailblazed the idea of getting more girls into chess. In fact, Ramson had been organizing these events before it received widespread support. The idea is to use chess as a tool to build confidence and to hone critical thinking skills that will be transferable to any endeavor. Ramson touts the social aspects of chess rather than the competitive. In fact, that may be one of the differences in how girls/women see chess as opposed to boys/men.

Robin Ramson presenting upset prize to Haring participant. David Guimand and Dewain Barber also pictured. Photo by Daaim Shabazz.

Robin Ramson of Chess Girls DC presenting upset prize to Haring participant.
David Grimaud and Dewain Barber also pictured.
Photo by Daaim Shabazz

Ramson brought her daughter Sarah to Orlando, Florida to watch the scholastic tournaments and to take part in the U.S. Open workshops and meetings as a DC delegate. The Chess Drum was able to catch up with her and get an interview. She talked about her experience as a delegate, her vision and ended discussing the future of Chess Girls DC. She will be hosting a fundraising event for her chess organization and her event a week from today at the Lake Presidential Golf Club in Upper Marlboro, Maryland.

Listen to Robin Ramson!

Chess Girls DC & Ben’s Chili Bowl Foundation
Scholarship Gold Tournament
Friday, August 30, 2019

Register at https://www.chessscholarshipforgirls.org

Contact: Robin Ramson
telephone: (202)438-6377
e-mail: chessgirlsdc@gmail.com | website: www.chessgirlsdc.org

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Indonesia’s Irene Sukandar with Chess Girls!

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