Mazda ad features Watu Kobese
Photo by Yolande Du Preez
Watu Kobese has been the most recognizable chess player South Africa has ever produced. A veteran of 11 Olympiad tournaments and long-time the country’s top player, the International Master has focused on training the next generation of talent. Apart from his coaching, he is the author of a Xhosa-language chess book titled, “Masidlale Uthimba.” He recently got a business opportunity when Mazda approached him for an inspirational ad shoot.
Achievements that go beyond awards but include his translation of modern English chess into Xhosa for the sake of the youth. He doesn’t want language to be a barrier to the beauty of the game. Kobese’s complete passion and intricate knowledge of chess and its history struck a chord with us as it is this kind of dedication and obsession that you experience every time you get behind the wheel of a Mazda CX-3.
In the following commercial for Mazda, Watu Kobese tells his story beautifully. Take a look.
Video by Chad Naidoo on Mazda Southern Africa