gets the beat of The Chess Drum!
Recently featured “Chess Through an African Lens” written by this author. The reception was very positive, but it is surprising how few had been exposed to this information about the African Diaspora which is a testament to how chess media lacks a true representation of the vast chess universe.
Over the past 21 years, I have written thousands of chess news articles, opinion pieces, and history tributes. In fact, two of my proudest works this year have come when recounting the history of the African Diaspora. It provides me with opportunities to sharpen my focus in researching my ongoing book project on the African Diaspora.
Last month, I featured daily tributes to important aspects of Black History in chess. Many years ago, I spent 50 consecutive hours building the “Wall of Fame” which was recently shown in a Damion Coppedge (chessoptics) Twitch broadcast. That being said, there is room to share my experiences on other platforms.
From time to time, and increasingly, I get requests to do a feature articles and have written articles for New in Chess, Chess Life, ChessBase, and most recently I was approached by the Vice President of Content Sam Copeland who offered an opportunity. I worked with Colin Stapczynski (Director of Written Content) and over a week ago came the “Lens” piece. While taking a survey of the African Diaspora in 2022, the piece is part historical, and part philosophical. Take a look!