“Jayvon Davis Express” wins in Delaware!
Jayvon Davis won the under-1600 section of the Delaware State Open last weekend allowing him to use his winning method as teaching material. Davis runs a website called “Chess Express” targeting younger age groups. Based in Delaware, his success will undoubtedly make his students proud and give more credence to how chess can inspire. Davis actually has a story of his own.

Photo courtesy of Jayvon Davis (Facebook)
Davis was exposed to chess during the 8th grade after being inspired by Demetrius Carroll, who attended Vaux Middle School. Some may know of that name from these pages and there is a connection. Carroll was inspired at Vaux by Salome Thomas-El, who wrote the book, “I Choose to Stay.” It was a testament to how an impassioned leader can instill confidence and light a fire in the most depressed communities.
Back in the 1970s, Vaux (then Junior High) won acclaim by winning seven national championships and appearing on the cover of Chess Life. The club went dormant for 20 years, but Thomas-El rejuvenated the chess club and Carroll was one player he took under his wing. In 1997 Vaux won the national championship of their section. Carroll paid it forward by becoming a coach at Thomas Edison Charter School. He led Edison Chess to the San Diego SuperNationals in 2013.

This inspiration helped Davis discover the love of chess and now he is in a position to pass on this passion. Earlier this month, Davis told his story in an essay titled “Why I Loved Chess as a Kid.” He stated that chess made him feel confident and special, but most of all, he had fun.
I enjoyed playing chess endlessly. I enjoyed the feeling of smooth plastic when I moved a piece. I enjoyed the challenge of finding the best move. I enjoyed competing with my friends. I enjoyed the feeling of discovering new patterns over the board. I enjoyed the sense of using my creativity. I loved watching chess games. It all brings joy to my heart.
~Jayvon Davis
One does not have to be a Grandmaster or have a high profile to make a mark in chess. What is essential is that one find what they do best and create a successful niche. One of the values of chess is that it can be passed on for generations.

Event Overview
Delaware State Open Championship
March 9-10 2024
Ramada Inn, 260 Chapman Road, Newark DE 19702
Website: http://Delawarechessassociation.org