• Chicago Open

    IM Jeffery Xiong shocks Chicago Open field!

    IM Jeffery XiongPhoto by Daaim Shabazz The 2015 Chicago Open attracted nearly 900 entrants from around the continental U.S. and players from dozens of countries. There was Cuban maestro Lazaro Bruzon Batista along with Gata Kamsky leading the field of over 100 players in the Open section (including 24 GMs).…

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  • Chicago Open

    2015 Chicago Open (Wheeling, IL)

    The 2015 edition of the Chicago Open will kick off the summer circuit of U.S. tournaments. Approximately, 600-700 players will trek across the U.S. to compete in eight sections for a combined $100,000 prize fund. This tournament will host a mish-mash of professional players, strong amateurs and club players. Chicago…

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  • Amin, Khaled 2015 African Champions!

    GM Bassem Amin and WGM Mona Khaled 2015 African Champions Egypt has still proven to be the most dominant chess power on the continent of 54 African nations (43 active federations). Both GM Bassem Amin and WGM Mona Khaled proved again to be the best in the Valley of Kings…

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  • Italy

    Fabiano Caruana to rejoin USCF

    GM Fabiano CaruanaPhoto by uschesschamps.com. United States Chess Federation (USCF) Executive Director Jean Hoffman has sent out a press release that Fabiano Caruana will change his federation and rejoin and represent the USCF once again. The announcement brings with it a definite joy to those who have watched him mature…

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  • Drum Majors

    Emory Tate sighting in Europe!

    IM Emory TatePhoto by Daaim Shabazz. Chris Torres, President of the Torres Chess and Music runs an interesting blog called, “Chess Musings“. Recently, he ran a recent story about “Drum Major” and International Master Emory Tate. Known around the world (and of course to The Chess Drum audience), some may…

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  • Millionaire Chess #1 book shines!

    Maurice Ashley and Amy Lee capped off a memorable Millionaire Chess Open as an event that will be treasured for years to come. One of the ways this these memories were captured was through the infectious excitement, fantastic photography of Billy Johnson and the melange of expressions captured throughout the…

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  • New in Chess (2015/3)

    While Bobby Fischer was on the gallant cover of the New in Chess 2015/1 with legendary Miguel Najdorf, this issue was a vituperative denouncement of him. After Fischer passed away in 2009, every chess and non-chess media came forth to psychoanalyze him in a way that was relentless and sometimes…

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  • Chess Coach Wilson facing trial July 14th

    F. Leon Wilson at 2014 U.S. Open in Orlando.Photo by Daaim Shabazz. Approximately one week ago, the Columbus Dispatch a story broke about F. Leon Wilson, highly-regarded coach and founder of both The Chess Learning Center and the KnightMare Chess Club. Sources in Columbus, Ohio report that Wilson was arrested…

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  • 2015 Digicel President’s Invitational (Jamaica)

    “WIZZY” STRIKES GOLD!!!! 2015 DIGICEL PRESIDENT’S INVITATIONAL CHESS TOURNAMENT The 2015 edition of the Jamaica Chess Federation (“JCF”) Digicel President’s Invitational Chess Tournament came to a thrilling climax on Saturday April 25 with the completion of the 11th and final round at the conference room of the Jamaica Olympic Association…

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  • 2015 African Individual Championship (Cairo, Egypt)

    The African continental championship has begun in Cairo, Egypt in the “Land of Kings and Queens”. With two spots up for grabs at World Cup qualifying tournament in Baku, Azerbaijan. The 2013 field is headlined by the Egyptian GMs Bassem Amin and Ahmed Adly from a total of 54 players…

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