• Drum beats in Vietnam!

    The Chess Drum is beating in Vietnam as the nation of 90 million is experiencing a growth in the sport. Daaim Shabazz will be in Hanoi, Vietnam to visit with the chess community at the chess center on Nguyen Luong Bang street, Dong Da district, Hanoi. The Chess Drum’s Daaim…

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  • Krush to face 50 in Detroit

    Contact: Pamela Marcil 313-833-7899 pmarcil@dia.org www.dia.org GM Irina Krush to conduct 50-board simul against Detroit City Chess Club! January 3, 2014 (Detroit)—The Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) will host chess international grandmaster Irina Krush in a simultaneous (simul) competition with 50 members of the Detroit City Chess Club (DCCC) on…

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  • The Chess Drum

    The Chess Drum’s Highlights of 2013!

    We close the year 2013 on a high note. We have new World Champions… Magnus Carlsen and Hou Yifan. Thus, we have a new era is upon us and anticipation is brewing. What does this mean exactly? Will it translate to more exposure for chess? Will it mean more sponsors?…

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  • ‘Life of a King’… new chess film

    Cuba Gooding is one of Hollywood’s finest actors. If you were watching carefully, you may have even seen him in Eddie Murphy’s barbershop in “Coming to America”. Later on, he played a number of memorable roles from Tre Styles in “Boyz in the Hood,” to Chief Carl Brashear in “Men…

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  • Chess Drama at 2013 World Youth

    The World Youth Team Championship was held in Al Ain, UAE typically the center of chess tournaments in the Middle East. While it broke records for the largest amount of players (1773), there were a number of issues that dampened an otherwise festive event. There were complaints about the food…

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  • Georgia

    2013 North American Open (Las Vegas)

    While GM Giorgi Kacheishvili’s win of the 2013 North American Open is not much of a surprise, what was more surprising is the players who showed up. More on that later. GM Giorgi KacheishviliPhoto by Cathy Rogers. Kacheishvili tied with seven other players, but won on superior tiebreaks to take…

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  • Lennox Lewis back at Chess!

    An innovative radio program is taking a look at broadcasting chess over the radio. No… it’s not going to require any blindfold skills, but BBC Radio is experimenting with a series of interviews of personalities in their “Across the Board” series. Dominic Lawson, chess aficionado will interview the personalities during…

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  • Africa

    GM N’Cho Joel Atse: Draughts Champion

    GM N’Cho Joel Atse of Ivory Coast won the 100 draughts blitz championship and later received his gold medal, the first for Africa in the 2013 World Mind Games. Draughts is probably a board sport that does not get much recognition for being a high-level game. However there is intricate…

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  • New in Chess (2013/8)

    It is easy to know what the cover story of latest issue of New in Chess is about… Magnus Carlsen, of course! A month after winning the World Championship, Carlsen graces the cover for the second consecutive issue (which was mentioned in the letters to editor). He has made 4/8…

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  • Drum Majors

    Early Reactions to $1,000,000 Chess

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