• Ilyumzhinov announces re-election bid

    Most of the attention since yesterday has been on Garry Kasparov’s announcement of his candidacy for FIDE President. What has been lost on most chess websites is Kirsan Ilyumzhinov’s bid for re-election. Ilyumzhinov has been the head of FIDE for the past 18 years and is seeking another four years.…

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  • Kasparov seeks FIDE Presidency!

    A few months ago during Garry Kasparov’s tour of Africa, speculation was bubbling that the former world champion would vie for the FIDE Presidency. His tour had all the makings of a campaign as he was received by the chess brass of seven nations. Garry Kasparov, FIDE Presidential CandidatePhoto by…

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  • Doggers on Chess.com/ChessVibes buyout

    Last week, Peter Doggers of Chessvibes.com released a statement that his company was being purchased by chess.com. It was an announcement that had caught many by surprise, but had been in the works for the better part of a month. As negotiations flowed, the main details were determined and Doggers…

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  • Scholastic

    Ballantyne seeks ’13 WYCC bid in UAE

    Rochelle Ballantyne Rochelle Ballantyne has grown up before our eyes in the past six years. From her legend at IS-318 (featured in movie, “Brooklyn Castle“) to winning scholarships at different schools and ultimately enrolling at Stanford University, Rochelle has used chess as a platform to academic excellence. Typically, college students…

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  • Reflections of 2013 Sinquefield Cup

    Back in July, I received an e-mail invitation from Mike Wilmering to attend the Sinquefield Cup as a part of the chess media. The concept sounded exciting… the world’s top two players and America’s top two players in a double round-robin! I responded and gave him a “tentative yes”. I…

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  • Black wins CIS Rapid in Central Park!

    One of the 600 participants in the Chess-in-the-Schools festivities. Chess has a way of creating happiness. We are officially amidst a chess renaissance in the U.S. With SuperNational scholastic tournaments drawing more than 5,000 players, St. Louis becoming the centrifugal force of growth of American chess (with St. Louis Chess…

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  • Fighting Crime with Chess

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 25, 2013 CONTACT: Kim Rice 770-465-6445 info@besomeone.org Former State Trooper and Presiding Superior Court Judge Join to Inspire Youth to ‘Be Someone’ through Unique Crime Prevention Program Lakewood, NJ — Master motivator Orrin C. Hudson and New Jersey Superior Court Judge Wendel Daniels will join forces…

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  • Drum Majors

    Chevannes’ U.S. tour a smash… eclipses 2200

    WIM-elect Sabrina ChevannesPhoto by WIM Ioana Smaranda Padurariu. WFM Sabrina Chevannes was on tour this summer in the U.S. and capped off her visit by attending the historic Sinquefield Cup in St. Louis. Prior to that she had visited Susan Polgar’s Webster Academy, stopped by the iconic and famed Marshall…

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  • Drum Majors

    FM Ronald Simpson: 1960-2013

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  • Media Stories


    Hou Yifan dispatched Anna Ushenina to regain the Women’s World Champion. Can the 19-year old star invigorate women’s chess? China is back on top of women’s chess! Hou Yifan clinched the 2013 Women’s World Championship with a crushing 5½-1½ win over a beleaguered Anna Ushenina. The margin of victory was…

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