• Africa

    Shabazz carries beat to Ghana!

    Dr. Shabazz in front of the Accra International Conference Center in 1998! The Africa Union just celebrated its 50th anniversary last month as African dignitaries came from around the continent to chart a course for the next 50 years. Started as the Organization of African Unity in 1963, the idea…

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  • Short wins Tanzanian Open!

    Tanzanian Chess Federation held its first major tournament (2013 Tanzania Open) in many years and it attracted players from surrounding countries and as far away as England and Romania. In fact, it was the Brit who won the tournament and it was none other than GM Nigel Short who remarked…

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  • GM denounces Cuban “Chess Mafia”

    Peter Doggers’ Chessvibes ran a story about a row in Spain after a Ukrainian GM Viktor Moskalenko hurled accusations at a contingent of Cuban players who compete in the Spanish circuit. One of the prime targets is GM Orelvis Perez Mitjans who recently was conferred his GM title last year…

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  • Africa

    Emojong becomes East Africa’s 1st IM!

    IM Elijah Emojong FIDE, the world’s Chess governing body has awarded Uganda’s 20-year old Elijah Emojong the title of International Master (IM) following his splendind performance at the Zone 4.2 Africa Chess Championship that was held in Cairo, Egypt from 29 April to 7 May 2013. Emojong finished the Zonal…

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  • Cuba

    Cuba’s Oleiny Linares making strides!

    Cuba is a country of complex history and culture. With a mixture of tradition stemming from Taino Arawak roots, Spanish colonialism and African lineage, the country of more than 11 million has a sense of pride that appears infectious. That same pride is taken in many areas such as scholarship,…

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  • Kasparov bolts Russia!

    Former World Champion and current opposition activist Garry Kasparov announced in an hour-long press conference that he will not return to Russia under the current Vladimir Putin’s administration. This announcement was made in Geneva, Switzerland where Kasparov was receiving a human rights award. Despite being at odds with his government,…

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  • Cuba’s Dominguez breaks through in Greece!

    Cuba’s rich chess tradition is known. The chess reputation that José Raúl Capablanca helped to define on the beautiful island can be seen throughout the capital of Havana in painted murals, sculptures, arts exhibits and the frequent games played on the street. Havana’s Capablanca Chess Club is also buzzing with…

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  • 2013 Tal Memorial (Moscow, Russia)

    The 2013 Tal Memorial will begin exactly one week from today with a cadre of elite players. This tournament will continue the string of strong tournaments on display in recent months going all the way back to the London Classic, Tata Steel, Candidates Qualifier and the FIDE Grand Prix. The…

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  • Justus Williams wins U.S. Junior Open!

    Justus Williams, 2013 U.S. Junior Open ChampionPhoto by CCSCSL. Last weekend, Justus Williams won the 2013 U.S. Junior Open for perhaps his biggest individual win to date. The under-21 field had 27 competitors including eight National Masters. This competition is not the same as the U.S. Junior Closed which will…

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  • Follow the Drum Beat!

    After covering the 2013 U.S. Chess Championship, The Chess Drum enter the summer months looking forward to an exciting trip to Ghana, West Africa. Hopefully, there will be coverage of the chess community and a local tournament that will take place. Unfortunately this trip is running concurrent with the World…

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