• Media Stories

    Tom Fineberg, long-time Chicago chess coach (1923-2012)

    Chess community, I have received some regrettable news from Majorie (Fineberg) Winther that Tom Fineberg died peacefully amongst family and friends on Sunday night, May 27th. He was 89 years old. Thomas Fineberg (1923-2012) I had the pleasure of taking up chess at Chicago Vocational High School (CVS) and becoming…

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  • WCC2012-12: Backlash on short draw

    Gelfand and Anand square off in last game of the match. Tension was high and building before an unexpected ending occurred. Photo by Anastasia Karlovich. The angst was high amongst the fans, commentators and journalists alike and the Anand-Gelfand match ended in another short draw. The defending champion actually offered…

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  • WCC2012-11: Anand holds… last chance

    Viswanathan Anand held with a new move in the Nimzo-Indian and put pressure on Boris Gelfand to find precise moves. Gelfand used 35 minutes after 8…Bd7 but waded through the complications and the game was drawn in 24 moves. From the photographs Anand appears to be a bit nervous (or…

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  • 2012 Chicago Open (Wheeling, USA)

    Nineteen Grandmasters have registered in the field at the 21st Annual Chicago Open currently in progress at the Westin Chicago North Shore Hotel (601 North Milwaukee Ave) in Wheeling, a suburb just outside Chicago. The field is also rich with a number of IMs, FMs and young masters looking for…

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  • “Live the Game” HHCF Summer Camp

    The Hip-Hop Chess Federation presents the “Live the Game” HHCF Summer Camp Open House June 2nd 3-6pm 37428 Centralmont Pl. Fremont, CA 94536 1-888-588-4418 www.hiphopchessfederation.org Full Details here!!

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  • WCC2012-10: 25-move draw! Tiebreaks?

    There were lots of groans after the tenth game of the 2012 World Championship. Both Viswanathan Anand and Boris Gelfand agreed to a draw in 25 moves in a position that seemed to beg for more examination. Anand went back to 1.e4 and after 1…c5 2.Nf3 Nc6, he played the…

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  • WCC2012-9: intense fight… still level

    The second half of the World Championship match started with two decisive results and today the world witnessed an elegant ebb and flow with white pressing for a win. In the end, the world champion set up an impenetrable fortress and a draw was agreed in 49 moves. Game 9…

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  • The Drum beats in New York!

    Daaim Shabazz at one of the most famous chess parks in the world, Washington Square Park located in New York City. Last Saturday, me and my friend took the train over from New Jersey to New York for a beautiful Saturday afternoon. I wanted to see the newly-remodeled Washington Square…

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  • Opinion/Editorials

    Nakamura, U.S. Champion… World next?

    How can GM Hikaru Nakamura reach the next level?Photo by CCSCSL. After having won his third U.S. Championship (2005, 2009, 2012) and moving to 5th-6th on the Live Rating List, there is no doubt that Hikaru Nakamura is a championship contender. To all the naysayers in years past, they must…

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  • WCC2012-8: Anand evens score!

    Wow. Six straight draws and now the second decisive game. With Boris Gelfand winning game seven, many felt he would play solidly and merely try to hold with black. Instead Gelfand went into a wild tactical line and made a huge oversight. Let’s recap. With the match running short and…

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