• WCC2012-7: Gelfand breaks through!

    Boris Gelfand finally broke the spate of draws. The finish was impressive.Photo by Alexey Yushenkov. With six draws in a row, we are now pass the “feeling out” phase and now the fireworks should begin… and it did. Boris Gelfand got on the scoreboard for his first win in a…

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  • WCC2012-6: Six Games… Six Draws

    Gelfand trying to find a way.Photo by Alexey Yushenkov. Not much in today’s game, but there was an interesting pawn sacrifice after 14…O-O 15. Nxd5 Bxd5 16. Bxd5 Nxd5 17. Rxd5. White immediately gave the pawn back after 17…Rac8 giving black adequate compensation. Gelfand stated that he did not attempt…

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  • WCC2012-5: Drawish Sveshnikov?

    GM Evgeny Sveshnikov did not like Gelfand’s handling of the opening named for him. Photo by Alexey Yushenkov. Viswanthan Anand may have sensed the mood of the match and the environment and essayed his former life in 1.e4. Boris Gelfand countered with 1…c5 entered the combative Sveshnikov variation. This meant…

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  • WCC2012-4: Players joust to 4th draw

    In this game, Gelfand nursed a “symbolic” advantage but was unable to make much of it. Right before the first rest day, Anand and Gelfand scored another draw and will try to come up with a strategy to create greater winning chances. The games have had their moments and tension,…

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  • 2012 Caribbean Carnival (Trinidad)

    The Board of Directors of the Trinidad and Tobago Chess Foundation extends an invitation to all Chess players and federations to participate in the 10th edition of our Caribbean Chess Carnival from August 2rd – August 5th. The tournament will have three junior sections drawing players from around the Caribbean…

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  • WCC2012-3: Near Miss for Anand

    Game three was certainly a crowd pleaser! After complaints of the first two games, this game showed that the “feeling out” process is over. Photo by Alexey Yushenkov. After weathering the storm of Boris Gelfand’s assault, World Champion Viswanathan Anand was pressing for the win with his extra pawn. Unfortunately,…

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  • Nakamura, Krush lead U.S. fields

    GM Hikaru Nakamura leads the field at the halfway point.Photo by CCSCSL. At the midway point of the U.S. Championship, two of the pre-tournament favorites are at the top of the leaderboard. Hikaru Nakamura leads the overall field on 4½/6 despite fighting a minor bout of sickness. Perennial favorite Irina…

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  • WCC2012-2: Tense struggle… still drawn

    Viswanathan Anand preparing for battle. Photos by Alexey Yushenkov. GM Yasser Seirawan, who is competing in the U.S. Championship, was asked by commentator WGM Jennifer Shahade his view of the World Championship. He stated that he hoped there would be more excitement and noted that both games were drawn and…

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  • WCC2012-1: Match starts with Draw

    There certainly will be no personality clashes in this match since both Viswanathan Anand and Boris Gelfand share deep respect for one another and have been on friendly terms for more than a decade. However, expect hostilities on the board. Viswanathan Anand is about to face Boris Gelfand’s Grunfeld Defense.Photo…

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  • 2012 World Chess Championship (Anand vs. Gelfand)

    This evening will launch the world championship of chess between two veterans, India’s Viswanathan Anand (defending World Champion) and Israel’s Boris Gelfand (Challenger). The first game of the anticipated match begins May 11th and will be held in Moscow’s Tretyakov Gallery. The prize fund for the match is 2.55 million…

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