• American Idol meets U.S. Chess

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  • Simutowe playing in Angola’s BGI!

    Zambian GM-elect Amon Simutowe will take part in the Cuca BGI this weekend along with GMs Sergei Tiviakov of the Netherlands and Luis Galego of Portugal. South Africa’s IM Watu Kobese will also present a challenge. Simutowe returns to the continent after a European tour. This is the 9th edition…

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  • The Wire – Chess and Drug Dealing

    Back in 2002, there was a TV series called, “The Wire.” The show ran five seasons and was considered ground-breaking. It was about the trials and tribulations of living life in the inner city of Baltimore, Maryland. The backdrop is a housing project, a common fixture in inner cities where…

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  • 2009 U.S. Chess Championship (St. Louis, USA)

    The U.S. chess community is gearing up for what promises to be an exciting tournament. The Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis plays host to the 2009 U.S. Chess Championship as 24 players will square off for the national crown. Gata Kamsky and Hikaru Nakamura will lead the…

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  • Heroes Cup won by Shabalov

    GM Alexander Shabalov (USA) and Gilles Suez-Panama (Martinique) Photos from barbados.org. Alexander Shabalov won the Heroes Day Cup with an impressive 7.5/9 losing only to fellow-GM Alonso Zapata who came in second. The Latvian-born, US citizen combined tactical alertness with positional understanding to outpace a field of 14 players from…

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  • Barbados holds GM Tourney!

    Barbados’ Allan Herbert (pictured above right) has announced the Heroes Day Cup which will feature a number of standouts from more than ten federations. The Chess Drum will be covering what is hailed as Barbados first GM norm tournament. In the field are a number of National Champions, past and…

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  • Mission Accomplished for Simutowe

    Amon Simutowe received his certificate for the third GM norm at the Stimulans tournament in 2007. Photo by Ben Schulte. The fans of Amon Simutowe have been asking of his whereabouts. He has been traveling throughout Europe and competing in tournaments. He has had a couple of good results (including…

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  • NBA Chess Jocks??

    Here is a fun video advertising the NBA playoffs. It is one of the best sports videos of the season. When watching it, the reason is obvious… chess and basketball! There are countless analogies made between chess and various sports, but this video is perhaps the first time that chess…

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  • The Drum beats in Germany!

    The Chess Drum’s Daaim Shabazz was interviewed by Dr. Rene Gralla for Neues Deutschland and ChessBase (Germany). The interviewed broached a number of subjects including the origins of The Chess Drum, impact of President Barack Obama on chess, or the “Obama Effect,” hip-hop chess, Black masters, Bernard Parham’s 2.Qh5, women’s…

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  • Adu sensational in DC G/60

    IM Oladapo Adu played in the “Spring Sensation” G/60 tournament at Catholic University is Washington, DC and had to face several tough competitors. In the end, he tied (1st-3rd) with IM Kirill Kuderinov 2477 (whom he beat), GM Larry Kaufman (whom he drew) and also drew with FM Enkhbat Teghsuren…

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