• 2008 Corus ends… Aronian, Carlsen on top!

    Viswanathan Anand and Vladimir Kramnik in a stirring finale. Look for more of these battles in the World Championship match! Photo © Michiel Abeln. Lev Aronian and Magnus Carlsen both scored stirring performances to win 2008 Corus. Ironically, Aronian lost only to Vladimir Kramnik while Carlsen put a dent in…

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  • Fischer and Black Chess Players

    In a recent ChessBase.com article, Bobby Fischer’s last movie was said to be “The American Gangster.” That is unfortunate because that is not a favorable last impression of Black people. However, he did have some interesting interaction with Black chess players. Archie Waters at a Fischer analysis session when the…

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  • South Africa’s ChessCube.com

    Mark Levitt of South Africa sent me a message about chesscube.com, an all-purpose chess website that includes gaming, news, blogs, forum and other features. He states, I wanted to highlight www.ChessCube.com, a chess initiative started in Cape Town, South Africa. ChessCube is a free playing site, with a strong social…

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  • Ugandan Chess in Crisis

    Sande Bashaija & Lambert Rusoke, “Cash Crisis Hurts Chess ,” The Monitor, 3 January 2008 (Kampala, Uganda). There were some tremendous individual performances but financial hiccups continued to hinder the development of chess in 2007. The Uganda Chess Federation (UCF) was throughout the year rocked in a financial quagmire that…

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  • The Socio-Politics of the First Move in Chess

    Dear Reader, I just penned an article that may pique your interest. It examines the “first mover advantage” in chess. I have had many online debates (mostly notably on The Daily Dirt) about this issue and most of the arguments point to white’s plus score in games played in the…

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  • Topalov uncorks brilliancy at Corus!

    Veselin Topalov and Vladimir Kramnik prepare for battle! Photo by ChessBase.com. In the light of the Short-Cheparinov controversy, there was much speculation about the Topalov-Kramnik game at Corus today. Cheparinov lost the delayed game to Short who claimed “moral victory” and smuggly stated, “There is a God and he is…

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  • Short-Cheparinov Controversy @ Corus!!

    CONTROVERSY!! Bulgarian Grandmaster Ivan Cheparinov was initially forfeited for not shaking hands with England’s Nigel Short. Case Short came to the board, and with his opponent absent, he played the move 1.e4, and walked away. A few minutes later, Cheparinov came to the board, sat down, and played 1…c5. As…

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  • Media Stories

    Fischer wanted to play Kasparov, Anand

    A story from Iceland’s Morgunbladid stated that Bobby Fischer desired one last match with Garry Kasparov and/or Viswanathan Anand. This is a very interesting development since Fischer has disassociated himself from the chess world since his 1992 match in Yugoslavia. In interviews, he stated that he would only play Fischer…

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  • Bobby Fischer, dead at 64

    Bobby Fischer (right) on the move against Boris Spassky in their pivotal 1972 match in Reykjavik, Iceland. The news of Bobby Fischer’s demise has come as somewhat of a shock to the world chess community, but the 64-year old chess legend was said to be ailing. Born as Robert James…

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  • Russel Porter takes John Powell Open

    Peter Myers, “Porter takes Inaugural John Powell Chess Open,” 18 January 2008 (Jamaica). PORTER TAKES INAUGURAL JOHN POWELL OPEN National Master Russel Porter started the 2008 chess season with a bang, when he claimed the inaugural staging of the John Powell Memorial Chess Open at the Campion College Auditorium over…

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