• Simutowe in Netherlands for GM norm quest!

    IM Amon Simtuowe. Photo © Fred Lucas www.fredlucas.eu. Round 1: IM Puchen Wang, New Zealand – Simutowe, 0-1 Round 2: GM Nona Gaprindashvili, Georgia – Simutowe – 0-1 Round 3: Simutowe – Vincent Rothuis, the Netherlands, 1-0 Round 4: IM Willy Hendriks, the Netherlands – Simutowe, 0-1 Round 5: Simutowe – GM Oscar Panno, Argentina,…

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  • Google as a Chess Database?

        On a recent eight-hour drive from Miami to Tallahassee, I listened to “The Google Story” by David Vise (on audiobook). It is an interesting story on the rise of the world’s most visible and most popular search engine. I use Google almost exclusively for all my search needs and news…

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  • Tactics Laboratory #1

    It is a common adage that tactical mastery is important in improving one’s chess. In critical moments, ending a game in brilliant fashion as opposed to trudging out another 50 moves is both satisfying and asthetically pleasing. Every week, we will feature amazing examples of tactical displays here… for your…

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  • Qualifiers from 2007 World Cup

    Here is the list of the Qualifiers for the next World Cup: a) From World Championship Tournament 2007: 1. V. Anand (IND) 2. A. Morozevich (RUS) 3. P. Leko (HUN) 4. L. Aronian (ARM) 5. P. Svidler (RUS) 6. B. Gelfand (ISR) 7. A. Grischuk (RUS) * The 8th player…

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  • CMMB tourney a smashing success!

    Trinidad’s Edison Raphael made modest projections for the CMMB Caribbean Chess Championships, but in an interview with The Chess Drum, he stated that the tournament exceeded his expections. A total of 104 entries with the following breakdown in four sections: 36 in the Open, 30 in the under-20,  27 in the…

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  • 2007 U.S. Open: Gulko tops 7-way tie

    The end of the 108th U.S. Open closed like many American Swiss tournaments? many draws and a multiple-winner for 1st place. Seven players closed out the tournament with 7½ points in a tight race from beginning to finish with Boris Gulko declared the winner on tiebreaks. Eleven players tied for…

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  • GM Maurice Ashley commentates!

    Some time ago, I found these two videos of the 1995 WCC match between Garry Kasparov and Viswanathan Anand. GM Maurice Ashley (USA) and GM Daniel King (United Kingdom) did the commentary. What was nice about these two videos was not only the intensity of the game, but the exciting commentary…

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  • 2007 U.S. Open (Cherry Hill, New Jersey)

    The 108th version of the U.S. Open began on July 28th with four schedules. Amon Simutowe is currently on 4-0 in the traditional schedule. Hikaru Nakamura and U.S. champ Alexander Shabalov are expected to play in the 5-day schedule. The U.S. Open is not the premier U.S. tournament and many of the…

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  • Ending Laboratory (Fischer vs. Taimanov)

    Fischer-Taimanov, 1971 Following is a beautiful ending played in Bobby Fischer-Mark Taimanov match in 1971 in Vancouver, Canada. Of course, Fischer crushed Taimanov 6-0 and here he shows his superior technique in the ending.  Sit back and enjoy! [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAW16O4fLIQ[/youtube]

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  • Ngubeni analyzes Africa’s Top 20!

      Comments: The African Top 20 presents an interesting perspective of the continent’s chess masters. The list shows four Grandmasters, there are in fact five. GM Slim Bouaziz (2338) of Tunisia, does not make the top 20 club due to his low fide rating.  Also GM is WGM Tuduetso Sabure…

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