• Is Chess a Sport?

    Today I read an article by Andrew Goodman in the New Jersey Herald titled, “That’s Absurd: Golf isn’t a Sport.” He goes on stating that golf isn’t a sport because it does not involve a host of athletic activities that are characteristic of football, soccer, baseball, cricket, basketball or even rope…

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  • Helping our Drum Majors!

      Clockwise from top left: IM Emory Tate, IM Amon Simutowe, IM Robert Gwaze IM Watu Kobese, GM-elect Pontus Carlsson, IM Stephen Muhammad After Emory Tate’s near-miss of a GM norm in Curaçao and with Amon Simutowe current challenges to earn his last norm, I thought, “What could be done to…

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  • Tate battling at Curaçao Festival!

      Emory Tate with the look of a predatorPhoto by Ard van Beek IM Emory Tate is in Curaçao battling the likes of U.S. Champion Alexander Shabalov along with four other GMs. The 2007 Curaçao Festival also has frequent Drum news subjects Jomo Pitterson of Jamaica and Barbadian legend FM Philip…

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  • Ending Laboratory (Rook)

    Zambia’s FM Nase Lungu had a stellar tournament at the 9th All-Africa Games. He is a veteran who has represented his country in Olympiad tournaments for almost 20 years. In the position below, Lungu holds five menacing pawns against a lone rook. We are taught that five pawns equals a rook, but in…

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  • 9th All-Africa Games: Give us your Reflections!

         This post is to entertain reflective comments from those who attended the 9th All-Africa Games in Algiers, Algeria. We want to hear about your experiences and observations. Tell us about the atmosphere and perhaps about the conditions there. If you have personal stories or if you know of…

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  • 2007 CMMB Caribbean Chess Carnival (Port of Spain, Trinidad)

    The Trinidad Chess Foundation is hosting the CMMB Caribbean Chess Championships on August 8th-11th. Edison Raphael has been publicizing this event and an announcement was made on The Chess Drum last month. I am scheduled to be in attendance and possibly IM Amon Simutowe. While there, I hope to be…

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  • Checkers solved… Chess next??

    A report has been released that a computer scientist from the University of Alberta has solved the game of checkers (8×8 version). The venerable game which has been a source of entertainment for families has now joined the ranks of tic-tac-toe. This is what Professor Jonathan Schaeffer claims on his…

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  • Orrin Hudson making good moves!

      BeSomeone.org!  Orrin Hudson has been beating the “Besomeone” trail for the past several years with a message of positivity and hope for endangered youth. He has been on a number of television news casts championing his message. Besomeone’s motto is “making every move count” under the adage that each…

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  • 2007 World Open: YouTube videos!

    I just uploaded two videos to YouTube. Both are of very poor quality because I took it on my digital camera and not a digital camcorder. The first video is not very exciting, but here are some details: This was the first round of the three-day schedule in which the players…

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  • Simutowe examines the Science of Chess

    Perhaps it would serve us more as chess players if we paid attention to psychology, statistics and probability more often. We simply play chess. The aforementioned details… no matter how small, matter a great deal… at least at master level. ~IM Amon Simutowe ~ Zambian International Master Amon Simutowe penned…

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