• The Chess Drum

    International Chess Educators Tournament!

    The chess season is in full swing and in the heat of summer, chess players typically look to play in fun tournaments. The Chess Educators International Open is such a tournament in one of America’s vacation capitals, Orlando, Florida! The 5-round tournament has a possible prize fund of $10,000 (based…

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  • Drum Majors

    Kofi Tatum’s “Snapping Pieces” in Los Angeles

    Each city has its chess history. There are even genres within chess history. One of the most captivating (and overlooked) aspects of its history is street chess. Out of this community comes the life and dreams of every chess player to make a name for his or herself. The venues……

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  • Africa

    Beauty of Africa through a Chess Lens

    There are many ways to describe the African continent. Some know it as the “Cradle of Civilization” and by others as the “Dark Continent.” Rest assured, this massive landmass has a complicated history, but its complexity may be softened by the sheer diversity and beauty. Each time I travel to…

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  • Drum Majors

    2nd Emory Tate Memorial (Chicago, Illinois)

    The 2nd Emory Tate Memorial took place at the Lion’s Den Chess and Martial Arts Academy in Chicago on a gorgeous summer day. There was excitement building up for the tournament along with the buzz of the pending match between Daniel X Jones and FM James Canty. Excitement for chess…

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  • Africa

    Help send Zambia’s Kennedy Shane to India

    GM Pontus Carlsson facing off against Kennedy Shane in Lusaka, Zambia. During Pontus Carlsson’s trip to Zambia, he excitedly told me about an 8- year old player who had held a draw against him in a simul. He said, “The small boy that drew me in the simul is a…

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  • Drum Majors

    2nd Emory Tate Memorial in Chicago June 10th!

    The Chicago Chess Blitzers community will host the 2nd Emory Tate Memorial on June 10th, 2017 at Daniel Jones’ Lion’s Paw Chess Academy on the city’s south side. Last year’s inaugural event was surprisingly won by Gwayne Lambert. Given the excitement generated from the Chicago Open, the club hopes to…

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  • Chicago Open

    Sevian takes 2017 Chicago Open!

    A total of 984 players showed up at the 2017 Chicago Open causing the organizers to scramble to arrange proper space. Having been edged out by a wedding, the tournament converted a skittles room into a playing hall and certainly created initial chaos, but the tournament was able to adjust.…

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  • Media Stories

    Review: Active Pieces by IM Jay Bonin

    On the plane to Africa reading“Active Pieces: Practical Advice from America’s Most Relentless Tournament Player”by IM Jay Bonin While on my 15-hour flight for a four-country African tour (actually five), I read through Jay Bonin’s Active Pieces: Practical Advice from America’s Most Relentless Tournament Player, a book about his chess…

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  • Africa

    Triple Exclam touches down in Africa

    Cape Town is one of the places that one must see when visiting South Africa. It has a complicated history, but also has a charm that is comparable to that of any other well-developed city. During my trip I visited the Claremont Chess Club and met with Reuben Salimu and…

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  • Media Stories

    DC Girls City Championship

    Robin Samson has been running the DC Girls Chess Club for several years and has brought the joys of chess to girls and young women. On April 15th, she hosted the 2017 DC Girls Citywide Tournament with a 1st prize of $1,000. Amanda Loseff of the Alice Deal School won…

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