• Africa

    Botswana’s Maruatona to end six-year reign

    CALISTUS KOLANTSHO, “Maruatona’s chess reign castles to a satisfactory close ,” Mmegi Online (mmegi.bw), 20 January 2017. American actor, Robert Downey Jr. once said, “I think that the power is the principle. The principle of moving forward, as though you have the confidence to move forward, eventually gives you confidence…

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  • Africa

    2017 Zanzibar Open

    Zanzibar is a beautiful, historic semi-autonomous section of Tanzania famous for its spices. It has a combination of Africa, Indian and Arab influences. One of the traditions that came to the islands many centuries ago was chess, but it has failed to gain a foothold in the region. However, the…

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  • Hip-Hop

    WBL launches new theme album!

    Words, Beats & Life, Inc. (WBL) has released another album, but this time it is chess-inspired. The album is called “Crowns” and contain 15 songs by a number of featured artists. Some of the songs are “ROOKie,” “Queens,” “Strata-G’s,” and Asheru’s “Chess Move.” The entire album is up on soundcloud,…

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  • Europe

    2017 Tata Steel Chess (Wijk aan Zee)

    The first major tournament has begun and marks the first classical tournament for Magnus Carlsen since he defended his title. He will be one of the 14 competitors in the 79th edition of the Tata Steel Chess tournament in Wijk aan Zee (Netherlands). Pea soup will not be the only…

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  • Africa

    Somalia ushers in “Chess in Schools”

    Chess officials display the equipment to eager onlookers. Somalia has been a member of FIDE since 1987 and has participated in past Chess Olympiads. However, things have been difficult in terms of keeping the momentum going in the Horn of Africa. Fortunately, the Somalia Chess Federation got a boost from…

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  • Africa

    Microsoft co-Founder and KCF launch “Chess Masters for Africa”

    Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft The Kasparov Chess Foundation Africa is delighted to be able to announce that we will be collaborating with the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation to facilitate a series of chess master training tours across the African continent during the first six months of the 2017…

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  • The Chess Drum

    4th Multi-City Site Tourney in three cities!

    This report was written by Jones Murphy, Jr., organizer of the multi-site tourney. Photo by Daaim Shabazz. The fourth Multi-site Chess Tournament took place Saturday December 3rd, with 3 venues and a 3-hour time zone difference among them. The venues were New York Chess & Games, the California Youth Chess…

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  • The Chess Drum

    Hope Arthurine Anderson: Jamaican Legend

    IN THE BEGINNING… On March 24, 2016 one of the brightest of Jamaican lights was extinguished when Hope Arthurine Anderson, escorted by Caissa, went to meet her Maker and the chess gods. Many, including members of the Jamaican Chess fraternity, mourned the passing of this outstanding Caribbean woman, a veritable…

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  • The Chess Drum

    The Chess Drum’s Highlights of 2016!

    The year 2016 was the year of the Olympiad and Baku certainly spared no expense to put on a wonderful event. It was, by many accounts, the best Olympiad ever. The USA won the gold for the first time in 40 years and capped off a cinderella year the likes…

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  • Drum Majors

    Carlsson reflects on Sweden’s Racial Climate

    Much has been said about racial intolerance in recent years. The contentious election season in the U.S. had everyone discussing the tension between the supporters of Donald J. Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton. Campaign rallies were filled with commotions between protesters, racial epithets and sometimes fists flying. In Europe there…

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