GM Pontus Carlsson offering lessons!

GM Pontus Carlsson

After just coming off of a strong result in the European Team Championship (5.5/8) GM Pontus Carlsson is back in Sweden charting the course for his next event. In the meantime, he told Daaim Shabazz of The Chess Drum that he is open for business. Having given lessons for the better part of 20 years, Carlsson is announcing his services as a trainer.

Carlsson has been a GM since 2007, has a FIDE ELO rating of over 2500 and has played much of his chess in the European circuit. He has represented Sweden in both Olympiad and the European Championships and in his early days as a junior. People interested in taking classes can contact GM Carlsson via e-mail at and “pintuz24” on Skype. Besides Sweden, he offers lessons in English, Spanish, German and French.


  1. Hello Pontus Carlsson, I am interested in taking lesson’s! I am on a fixed income, and would like to know if you would consider a respectable arrangment? Thank you for your time, patience and consideration! May you please give a feedback at my e-mail:! Thank you once again Pontus Carlsson and also thank you Dr. Daaim Shabazz for the opportunity ChessDrum gives on a daily basis. This opportunity being one of them! Checkmate you later! : ]

  2. Sorry to hear about Issac. Wow! I take lessons with GM Amon, (better send him some money :)). Amon and I had this discussion about small group lessons. With skype and other platforms the players need not be from the same city or country! although, we did a couple of group lessons with Amon, about 4 of us at my house. Also, Amon gave a couple of lessons to my students when I was giving a group lesson, I just turned the lesson over to Amon. The parents were happy to have a grandmaster give a couple of lessons to the boys at their house. It went over great. I plan to continue this is the fall. Anyway, small group lessons are the way to go, because the GM will make more money and the students can support one another.

  3. Hi Glenn

    Of course it is possible with group lessons and I think that it can be a good idea. Before it was not since the softwares were not good enough so it was not possible to hold good quality on the classes. Nowadays the softwares are good so it doesn´t affect the quality on the training. Just contact me on and we will work it out.
    Also I must comment on the news I just read about Isaac really tragic and may him rest in peace.
    Best Regards

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