
  • “The Final Attack,” Chess Teachings of Emory Tate

    FM Todd Andrews recently released a manual, The Final Attack a tribute to the lessons of International Master Emory Tate. Of course, Tate passed away in 2015, but his lessons live on. Andrews was a Tate protege and traveled with him to many tournaments soaking up pearls of wisdom. The…

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  • Gambit and Katwe… Two Queens, Two Lessons

    In the past couple of months, there has been a buzz about a Netflix series called, “The Queen’s Gambit.” After its release last October, it soared to the top of the Netflix charts and received worldwide acclaim from chessplayers and non-chessplayers alike. It has given chess a different look from…

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  • Bert Scott’s book on Jamaican Chess History!

    Bert Scott may be known to some from running the Jamaica Chess Ambassadors website for several years in the 2000s. He took up the game during the “Fischer Boom,” and like many, got the book, Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess. He has been an active chess player since the 70s and…

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  • Great Moves by Sunil Weeramantry

    Paperback: $35.00TO ORDER NOW… CLICK HERE! FM Sunil Weeramantry’s reputation precedes him. The famed scholastic coach has gained his notoriety by his writings and coaching a generation of chess players including his stepson, Grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura. Years ago he authored the popular Best Lessons of A Chess Coach which has…

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  • Book Review: Chess Behind Bars

    Chess is often thought of as a game of the high-browed intelligentsia. It has adherents worldwide and is touted as an activity to sharpen one’s mind and to enhance cognitive ability. Does chess really make people smart? No, but it can certainly help the mind stay sharp and teach valuable…

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  • Review: Active Pieces by IM Jay Bonin

    On the plane to Africa reading“Active Pieces: Practical Advice from America’s Most Relentless Tournament Player”by IM Jay Bonin While on my 15-hour flight for a four-country African tour (actually five), I read through Jay Bonin’s Active Pieces: Practical Advice from America’s Most Relentless Tournament Player, a book about his chess…

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  • Queen of Katwe: A Chess Review

    At the 42nd Olympiad last month 1,583 players from around the world assembled in Baku, Azerbaijan to compete in the marquee tournament of they year. Players donned their colors and beautiful cultural garments bringing with them the history and pride of their chess communities. At the Olympiad there are so…

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  • Movie “PAWN SACRIFICE”… fair to Fischer?

    Fischer was so defiant of presuming to do what the movie aspires to do. Tobey and I sat there and looked through every picture from every interview he ever did, read everything he ever said, but in the end, you finally have to trust a certain amount of your own…

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  • “Rich as a King” teaches chess to invest!

    As a business professor, I am able to see young adults mature as they begin to understand the elements financial responsibility. How many students have gone off to school only to be approached at orientation by banks offering a free water bottle to sign up for a debit card? Lots.…

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  • Review: Life of a King

    Eugene Brown WARNING: Review may contain spoilers! 🙂 When watching “Life of a King” one anticipates another “rags-to-riches” story that is typical of this genre of films. The only issue was… this wasn’t one of those films. Eugene Brown was not a rags-to-riches story as the community stalwart has never…

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