
  • Reflections on the Mallorca Olympiad

    Looking back on my first Olympiad, it was by all counts a very positive experience. I got to reunite with a few chess friends, see players whom I have covered for the past four years and interact with some of the top chess personalities in the world. On the other…

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  • Historic Moments: African-American Unity Chess Tournaments (1992)

    When those following chess in the Black chess community worldwide are asked about a famous tournament in Harlem comprising of strong chess players of African descent, they will invariably mention the Wilbert Paige Memorial. However, there was a precedent. Maurice Ashley (right) sent a provocative letter calling for an initiative…

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  • Historic Moments: Africans in the 2004 FIDE World Championship

    Clockwise (L-R) GM Hichem Hamdouchi (Morocco), IM Amon Simutowe (Zambia), IM Ahmed Adly (Egypt) and IM-elect Kenny Solomon (South Africa). The Dawn of a New Beginning The 2004 FIDE World Knockout Championship was a historic event for many reasons. First, it is the next step toward unification; secondly, the tournament…

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  • FM Sunil Weeramantry: Reflections on Libya

    Ever so often the chess community is blessed with a special personality. Sometimes that person is heralded as the next great player, but how often do we here about the people that are responsible for helping those players become great? A native of Sri Lanka, FM Sunil Weeramantry has been…

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  • Historic Moments: 1989 U.S. Open Photo Gallery

    Reflections on the 1989 U.S. Open The year of 1989 was an interesting year for Black chess. Maurice Ashley and Emory Tate had begun to get the recognition they had long deserved and had continued to prove themselves. Both starred at the 1988 New York Open earning IM norms. In…

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  • Historic Moments: Medina Parrilla at 2003 World Championships in Greece

    Lapshun and Parrilla play a game against a picturesque backdrop. Bronx native, Medina Parrilla journeyed to Halkidiki, Greece to compete in the Under-12 championships and scored a respectable 6-5. The Bronx Times’ Noah Fowle penned an article about the 12-year old star and although she downplayed the attention she has…

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  • Egypt takes Team Gold!

    Egypt takes Team Gold! Playing Site… Agura Hotel Bolstered by a solid team of International Masters, Egypt  held the lead throughout and coasted to a gold medal performance at the 8th All-Africa Games with 31½ match points; Algeria took thebronze with 28½; Zambia took the bronze with 27.  IM Fouad…

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  • Historic Moments: Country Spotlight… Mauritius

    Mauritius is one of those islands that one does not hear about often, but it is not because it is not a beautiful place. The picturesque island sits off the Africa’s east coast and is well-known for tourism and for tea. What the chess world has discovered is since 1986…

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  • Historic Moments: Ashley & Muhammad at 2003 U.S. Championship

    GM Maurice Ashley and IM-elect Stephen Muhammad conversing after completion of the 2003 U.S. Championship. Photo by Daaim Shabazz GM Maurice Ashley and FM Stephen MuhammadPhotos by Jerry Bibuld GM Maurice Ashley vs. IM John Watson (Round 7)Photo by Daaim Shabazz IM Varuzhan Akobian vs. FM Stephen Muhammad (Round 7)Photo…

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  • Jamaica @ Chess Olympiad (Bled, Slovenia)

    The 35th Chess Olympiad in Bled, Slovenia through a Jamaican Microscope: A Fantastic Sojourn by Ian Wilkinson (Kingston, Jamaica, WEST INDIES) “A tower of nine stories begins with a heap of earth. The journey of a thousand li starts from where one stands.” – Tao-te Ching (Chapter 64 by Lao…

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