Sheripov withdraws from 2022 FIDE campaign
Breaking news about the FIDE presidential race. Inal Sheripov, one of the four candidates for FIDE President has withdrawn from contention. His Deputy President was Lewis Ncube, former African Chess Confederation President. The election takes place at the General Assembly on August 7th which runs concurrently with the Chess Olympiad in Chennai, India.

Sheripov released a statement citing health reasons that had begun back in June. He did not give an endorsement of the other three candidates but urged his supporters to choose a “progressive” ticket.
Statement by ‘Team Best Move’ Presidential Candidate
Dear Delegates,
Dear Fellow Candidates,
Dear Chess Communities,
I wish to express my eternal gratitude to the entire global chess community for having accepted my candidature under the “Team Best Move” brand to contest the FIDE Presidential Elections scheduled for August 7, 2022, in Chennai, India on the sidelines of the 44th. World Chess Olympiad.
Regrettably, I wish to inform you of my decision to withdraw from the 2022 FIDE Presidential Elections on health grounds.
In early June I was admitted to hospital for what appeared to be a routine check up on my health situation.
I had been feeling weak for some days after filing in our ticket’s candidacy.
After investigations that progressed from a very serious illnesses scare to other potentially debilitating health conditions, I am still undergoing further tests.
This health situation that has taken almost two months from my proposed campaign schedule means that I have not been able to deliver my full message to the chess community.
I wish to thank my team across all the Continents for their understanding.
This decision has been a very difficult one to make as I am aware of the work that my Team has put into our campaign.
As I withdraw, I wish to urge all the remaining candidates to put the interest of the global chess community above a narrow focus and embrace everyone in their programmes after the elections are over.
I have spoken to the various members of “Team Best Move”, and I have advised them to be available to work with any progressive ticket and to maintain the unity that the global chess community deserves.
We may have different views on how we believe we must move forward to develop our beautiful game; however, our goals should ultimately be the same.
Upon clearance from my Doctor, I will also be available to work with the team chosen by the chess community to lead us for the next four years; should my services be required.
Serving the global chess community, in whatever capacity, is a wish I will continue to yearn for.
Gens Una Sumus!
Inal Sheripov