Test #2
(Piece Movement - 10 questions)
Trivia Quiz v 1.0 by POZ (poz@yahoo.com)
Time left:
1. Which chess piece is the only one that can hop over other pieces?
a) the Queen
b) the Pawn
c) the Rook
d) the Knight
2. The only move in chess involving the movement of two pieces in one single move is called
a) en passant.
b) zugzwang.
c) castling.
d) shuffling.
3. A pawn is on the e3-square with nothing in its path. Can it move to the e5-square on the next move?
a) yes
b) no
4. To capture with a pawn, you capture the enemy piece or pawn
a) in front of your pawn.
b) beside your pawn.
c) one square diagonally.
d) by jumping over it.
5. When your pawn reaches the opponent's first rank, you can promote it to any piece EXCEPT a
a) King.
b) Queen.
c) Rook.
d) Bishop.
e) Knight.
6. Which of these chess concepts involves a pawn capture?
a) castling
b) zwishenzug
c) en passant
d) zugzwang
7. In the opening, Rooks are better placed
a) on open diagonals.
b) behind enemy pawns.
c) behind your own pawns.
d) on open files or ranks.
8. The Queen combines the movement of what pieces?
a) rook, bishop and knight
b) rook and knight.
c) rook and bishop.
d) bishop and knight.
9. When evading a check, one can either
a) capture, block, or castle.
b) capture, resign, or flee.
b) capture, block, or flee.
b) capture, flee, check opponent's King.
10. A white bishop placed on b2 (surrounded by its pawns) is said to be
a) fianchettoed.
b) finito.
c) fileted.
d) raking.