No. 1 Simutowe - Roussel-Roozman (2007 Internet Chess Club) This game was played at the Internet Chess Club between two IMs from Zambia and Canada, respectively. This game started into a Maroczy Bind English and the Canadian played very solidly with a hedgehog-type set up. Simutowe pressed for the attack and was able to pry open the kingside with a pawn storm. Rouzell-Roozman countered in the center, but was reduced to passivity. The Zambezi Shark then pounced with a killer one-mover, 34.Qf6!! and suddenly black is mated. White threatens 35.Rh8+ and on 34…Bxf6 35.gxf6, black is in a mating net. (See game; Amon Simutowe)
No. 2 Tate - Claros (2008 Málaga Open, Málaga, Spain) Never can a chessplayer see too many of Emory Tate's gems. They have become so routine that one has come to expect a certain level of artistry. In this game, he conjures up his usual mischief from a similar setup as the above game. His 14.Nd5! Was a way to initiate hostilities and set the stage for a kingside assault. Before Claros knew what had happened, Tate had assembled his pieces near the black king. He then use a pawn sacrifice to divert another piece from the protection of the king. Then came the crushing 28.Ng6! Black went reeling back with 28…Qd7 since 28…hxg6 29.Qxg6 leaves white with a very strong attack. After the devastating 29.Ba2! Nb3 30.Rd1 black hemorrhages material. (See game; IM Emory Tate)
No. 3 Carlsson-Ruijgrok (2008 Corus "C" Wijk aan Zee, Netherlands) In this classic Ruy Lopez battle, Carlsson sacrificed a piece early to destroy the king's cover, but it was unclear how the attack would be conducted. With a nasty pin on the h4-d8 diagonal and a battery on the b1-h7 diagonal, white's knight's joined the attack with 24.Nh5! Black tried to scamper with 24...Kf8, but after 25.Nxg7 Kxg7 26.Qg3! Nh5, white maintained the attack with 27.Qg4 Qh8 28.Be7+ mating. (See game; Pontus Carlsson)
No. 4 Thorsteinsson-Simutowe (2008 Reykjavik Open - Reykjavik, Iceland) White played an innocuous opening, got no advantage, shuffled his pieces and lost quickly. Simutowe conducted an assault on the center and bore into white's kingside with a flurry. As white moved pieces aimlessly, the position reached a fever pitch and black lashed out with the thunderbolt 24…Bxf3! (24...Nxf3 25.gxf3 Qg5+ is strong too.) 25. gxf3?? (25.Qe1 Qb7 26.h4 Bxg2 and black has a decisive attack) 25…Rd2! 0-1 (See game; Amon Simutowe)