The following represent a variety of positions from The 2007 African Chess Championships. In the following diagrams, you're challenged to find the winning line. Each position ends with decisive material gain or mate. Solve each of the four problems (as deep as possible) and check your answers by scrolling below. No peeking!!
IM Walaa Sarwat-Stephen Kawuma Black to Move (after 41.Kc1-b2)
GM Ahmed Adly-Deon Solomons Black to Move (after 32.Kg1-h1)
Ivan Andrade-FM Farai Mandizha White to Move (after 36… Rg8-b8)
Roberto Erikson-Kamel Nijili White to Move (after 28…Nd7-f6)
No. 1 Sarwat-Kawuma (2007 African Chess Championship - Windhoek, Namibia) Stephen Kawuma took advantage of an unsound exchange sacrifice and consolidated his position into a win. In the final stage, he finishes the overzealous Egyptian with 41…Rxc2+! 42.Kxc2 Be4+. White could resign, but played on hopelessly with 43.Kb2 e2 44. Rxg7+ Kh8 45.Re7 e1(Q) 46.Re8+ Kh7. (See game; 2007 African Chess Championships)
No. 2 Adly-Solomons (2007 African Chess Championship - Windhoek, Namibia) This was one of the best finishes of the tournament. The South African veteran reeled off a powerful combination out of a typical King's Indian with the shocker, 33…Bh3!! The Egyptian Grandmaster was sent reeling and had to resign after 33.Kxh2 Bf1+ 34.Kg1 Rh1+! This first round loss was a shocking upset, but Adly would recover and later qualify for the 2007 World Cup. (See game; Deon Solomons; 2007 African Chess Championships)
No. 3 Andrade-Mandizha (2007 African Chess Championship - Windhoek, Namibia) Despite the black wall around the king, white shattered the fortress with 37.Nxc4! Black is completely busted since white threatens a powerful attack with 38.Qb6+. So after 37…bxc4 (37…dxc4 38.Bf3+) white finishes smartly with 38.Rb1+ Ka8 39.Qa3+ with the annihilating 40.Qf8+ waiting. (See game; 2007 African Chess Championships)
No. 4 Erikson-Nijili (2007 African Chess Championship - Windhoek, Namibia) Fifteen-year old Erickson Roberto of Angola uncorked a nice combination in his game against the Tunisian who apparently underestimated the young Angolan. Black fell behind in development and his king got stuck in the center of the board. With pieces taking up menacing posts, Roberto played 29.Rd7+! and after 29… Ke8 (29…Nxd7+ 30 exd7+ Kxd7 31.Rd1+ and result is similar to the game) 30.exf7+ Kxd7 31.Rd1+ Kc7 32.Qc6+ and black resigned before meeting 32…Kb8 33.Qa8+ Kc7 34.Qa7+ Qb7 35. Qxb7#. (See game; 2007 African Chess Championships)