Jerry Bibuld, Chief Organizer of the highly successful Wilbert Paige tournament, is on the mark again! He is helping to organize two title norm tournaments to be held simultaneously in State College, Pennsylvania, USA. These tournaments will be a Category IV (for IM norm) and the other a Category X (GM norm) and will take place during the last half of February 2002. Mr. Bibuld is now seeking players interested in participating and has outlined some basic requirements:
Players seeking the GM norm should be willing to pay an entry fee, as well as cover all personal expenses incidental to participation. Their possible palpable rewards, in addition to the norm opportunity, would be in the projected prize fund of $750, $500, $250.
Non-USCF IMs with FIDE ratings of 2350+ may be paid $500 and provided with motel accommodations to play in the IM tournament, which will have a prize fund projected at $500, $300, $100. Players seeking the IM norm should be willing to pay an entry fee, as well as cover all personal expenses incidental to participation.
The entry fees have not been determined at this time, but will be made known by next week, December 10th. All inquiries and interested parties should contact Jerry Bibuld by email (chessphoto@aol.com) or by telephone [914] 939-5023.
Posted by The Chess Drum: 4 December 2001