FM Ryan Harper of Trinidad edged Jamaica's FM Warren Elliott in the first "Annotation Chess Clash." Both players demonstrated their prowess in annotating the theoretical Anand-Ponomariov game #4 of the 2002 Mainz match. The final tally was 54.84% for Harper and 45.16% for Elliott in a close battle. Harper's "killer comment" on the suggested 20… d5! seem to carry the day. Players from around the world participated from places as diverse as Belgium, Greece, Canada, Australia, Nigeria, Uganda, Wales, England, the USA and of course Trinidad and Jamaica.
After 10 votes (Harper 9-1); after 20 votes (Harper 16-4); after 30 votes (Harper 18-12); after 40 votes (Harper 21-19); after 50 votes (Harper 27-23); 60 votes (Harper 33-27); Final (Harper 34-28).