I wonder if you could please be of assistance to me.
There is an event we (The Dayton Chess Club) are hosting over Labor Day weekend, the Ohio Chess Congress and it is in a bit of trouble. I depended on USCF to get their magazine out and to place the ad on their website--neither of which has occurred to this date. And to think I started this in early May with them …
Thus I am doing everything I can to get the word out… already sent out 650 postcards plus our state magazine with ads should be delivered before weeks end. And have already sent out about 200 emails… Nonetheless it is my desire to get the word out as much as possible. I will owe you one.
The event: 59th Ohio Chess Congress on August 30-31-September 01 (two rounds per day - 6 rounds of Buckeye Mayhem!) at "The Best Little Chess Club in the USA!"
Here is a URL for an on line flyer (plus I have attached one) for the event https://www.daytonchessclub.com/specialevents/59thOhioChessCongress.htm
Also, here is a URL for an on line flyer (plus I have attached one) for hotels. https://www.daytonchessclub.com/specialevents/59thHotelsMotels.htm
If you have any questions please contact me at ddirect@erinet.com.
RileyD, nwJ Riley D. Driver www.daytonchessclub.com
"A pawn can cast a long shadow." Riley Driver