April 8-12, 2004 THE JAMAICA PEGASUS HOTEL - FIDE Rated, 9-Round Swiss G/120 - Tournament Rules @ ksaca_open
~ NM Chan, NM Wheeler, Cameron to Receive Honorary Life Membership ~
The Kingston & St. Andrew Chess Association (KSACA) will hold its first chess tournament, The KSACA Inaugural International Open, at the Shirley Retreat House from January 14-18, 2004.
The guaranteed prizes being offered are: 1st. $1,000US, 2nd. $600US, 3rd. $400US, 4th. $250US, 5th. $250US, Best U-2100 $250US, and Best Female $250US. The winner of the Open will also receive the KSACA Open Cup, and all prize winners will receive medals. There will also be a Cadet Section for players under 14 years old. The Cadets will play for a winner's Trophy, Medals, and Chess Books.
Special emphasis will be made to invite all the member Federations of the Caribbean, Canada, Central America, and the United States. The entry fee for the KSACA Inaugural International Open is $50US, and $2,500JA for KSACA Members. For further information, see KSACA_Open or contact KSACA at 876-305-2672, ksaca_chess@yahoo.com. Mail-in entries will be accepted at: P.O. Box 115, Kingston 2, Jamaica.
Please keep informed about the KSACA Open, and Chess in Jamaica by logging on to https://jambassadors.freewebsitehosting.com/newfile.html.
Bertram A. Scott President, KSACA