IM R.B. Ramesh of India is currently in South Africa on a goodwill visit. The 26-year old British Champion and owner of two GM norms traveled to South Africa at the invitation of The Chess Academy (RSA). According to the Academy's Jackie Ngubeni,
"He has been visiting schools and meeting our political leaders to share with us the explosion that India is experiencing in chess. Up to now (five days on), the Indian maestro has visited seven schools comprising almost 10,000 learners. These are our Academy affiliated schools."
IM Ramesh is also playing South Africa's #1 player, IM Watu Kobese in a four-game match at the Southern Sun Hotel (www.southernsun.co.za). Details of the match are forthcoming. In other breaking news, GM Teimour Radjabov is the next chess celebrity slated for a South African visit. Stay tuned!
Posted by The Chess Drum: 7 March 2003