"After seeing children eating fast food and looking sleepy before the rounds, I thought it might shed some light," she reflected. The article titled, "What's Eating Your Game?" contains a litany of health facts and provides details about which foods provide what effect to the functioning of the mind. Here's a tidbit that will catch the attention of coffee drinkers…
"While it helps you think faster and more efficiently, tannins from excess coffee will drain your iron stores needed for concentration. After you get the jitters, it ceases to be of any benefit at all. So limit coffee to no more than 3 cups per day and drink it between meals to maximize its effectiveness."
In the article, she provides a meal plan and a list of tips for maximum performance. It is a very informative article and regardless of what dietary regiment one has, it will be of tremendous use… or at least provide something to tell your coffee-guzzling opponents after you've won the game.