Back in 2002, a controversy erupted on the southside of Chicago concerning the removal of chess tables from the Harper Court shopping area. The companies in the mall area stated that the chess players were attracting bad company and scaring away customers from the shops. This issue resulted in staged protests and petitions sent to the city authorities. After a year of negotiating, the Harper Court Foundation and the players came to an agreement in July 2003 and the players are allowed to play on the weekends only. The players are back at popular chess spot and are now negotiating the return of the concrete benches that were once a mainstay of the court area. A recent statement was released recounting the entire case including statements by NM Marvin Dandridge and other players. For more information, contact Tom Fineberg, 773 721-3979, or Alon Friedman (re: cost of tables), 773 324-4813.
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Related Stories
The Chess Drum, "Chicago Harper 's Court brings back Chess!" 13 October 2003.
The Chess Drum, "Chicago chess players stage protest in Harper Square!!" 25 July 2002.