From: Oladapo Adu To: webmaster@thechessdrum.net Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 4:19 AM Subject: 6th Millenium Chess Festival, virginia beach, VA
Hello Daaim,
It has been a while we spoke or communicated last. How are things going with you? Hope everything is going on well. I am presently at Virginia Beach, VA and I just wanted to send the report of my event to you. The event took place between 25th-27th February 2005, there were about 7 GM's and about 5 IM's. I scored 3.5/5 points and tied for the u-2400 prize. The following are the players I played at the event:
round 1. Shawn McIntosch( 1971) drew round 2. William Woodard (1581) won round 3. IM Justin Sarkar (2368) won round 4. IM Carlomagno Oblitas (2493 - Peru) lost round 5. IM Larry Kaufman (2331) won
My best game of this event was against the Peruvian IM Carlomagno Oblitas 2493. Ironically, I lost this game, but I like the way I controlled the game throughout, I think I totally outplayed my opponent until 2 incidents happened during the game, I was able to get over the first one, but the second one cost me the game.
I also want to state that I like the way I won a pawn tactically in the transition from the opening to middle game. On move 12, my opponent just played Be6; during the game I saw the possibility of the move, but I discovered it drops a pawn in the following variation.
I played 13.Nfe5, if Be5, 14.Ne5 Qe5 15.Bf4 Qf6 (only move), then I have 16.Bd6, followed by e5, and f4 and I think am just winning, but my opponent chose a different approach. The 2 incidents that happened during the game.
1. On move 21,I planned to play Bf4, followed by Ne4, but all of a sudden I saw my self picking up the knight and dropping it on e4, well my position was so good that after this lapse, I was still winning (I spoke to Sunil Weeramantry after the game and asked him why does things like that happen).