In the summer in 2004, Orrin Hudson, was bestowed the "TBS Pathfinder's Award for Education" by Turner Broadcasting Station. In a inspiring video honoring Hudson, TBS recounted the humble beginnings of Hudson's life up until the current time as a motivational speaker extraordinaire.
Hudson states that he is living the "American Dream" because he is helping to motivate people to be all they can be. One particular story was Octavious Tallington, a youth who was headed for destruction. His mother, Petula talked about how Hudson's effort made a difference in his life.
Hudson has recently released a book titled, "One Move at a Time: How to Play and Win at Chess in the Game of Life," and has been featured on a number of news programs and media publications. On January 6th, will conduct a seminar at the Knowledge Shop to help people win at the game of life. The video below is a powerful example of how one man and his vision can make a difference.
This documentary will air on TBS in late January 2005.