Video: DeKalb salutes Jordan Chappell!

In the chess world, players are sometimes asked by the media to submit to an interview to capture the intrigue of the 64-square board sport.  However, many of these interviews are poorly-conducted because the interviewer resorts to asking uninformed questions which result in rambling or laconic answers.

In a recent interview, 10-year old
Jordan Chappell of Atlanta proves that interviews are better left for the player to speak in a conversational style as opposed to being guided by a series of childish questions. The telegenic Atlanta-area player was interviewed by radio personality Frank Ski about the virtues of chess. Jordan's mother channeled his energy into chess when it was discovered that he was born with a congenital kidney disorder and could not participate in physical sports.

Jordan Chappell

Jordan Chappell

Jordan's mother saw her son's talents and gave him the opportunity to tap into his unique abilities. His efforts have proven that chess can be the ultimate outlet for children who seek to refine a wide array of interpersonal and analytical skills.  It has also helped him to become an "A" student. "You can think of school like chess. You think hard and… the game is like a test… one big giant test… and that's exactly like the school year."

The 7-minute video showed kids participating in activities sponsored by
Orrin Hudson's BeSomeone, Inc. Hudson, who has received national-acclaim for his efforts, has captured media attention with his efforts and continues to blaze the trail of chess altruism. Hudson has successfully carried his message across the airwaves as he encourages the youth to be someone. 

Hudson makes the following assertion about chess: "Teaches them to problem solve. The key to success in any field is to learn to solve problems. You get paid for solving problems." Jordan, using a Hudson cliché adds,  "All the answers are on the board." Jordan has been one to take Hudson's message to heart and hopefully, he will continue to find the answers that will help him to be all that he can be.

Watch "DeKalb salutes Jordan Chappell!"

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Posted by The Chess Drum: 18 February 2005