FIDE - Fédération Internationale des Échecs

FIDE Training Committee offers services!

For most chess players with aspirations of becoming a strong player, it is not enough to study in isolation. Eventually training must take on a more pragmatic approach to get to the next level.  While seeking the right trainer will require a rigorous self-assessment, the FIDE Trainer's Committee is designed to make the process a bit easier.

IM Jovan Petronic, Chair of FIDE Computer & Internet Chess Committee recently composed a document (dated 27 January 2005) detailing the evolution of the Trainer's Committee, its purpose and successful programs. Included are resources for training and if one seeks to become a trainer, there are different titles that one can apply for. 

Some of the trainers include: 
GM Mark Dvoretsky (RUS), GM Vladimir Tukmakov (UKR), GM Alonso Zapata (COL),  GM Agdestein Simen (NOR), GM Susan Polgar (USA), GM Zurab Azmaiparashvili (GEO), GM Xie Jun (CHN), GM Evgeny Vladimirov (KAZ) and Petronic (SCG - Serbia and Montenegro).

This is a very interesting concept designed to promote chess and to make training available for national federations. Hopefully, these training sessions can find their way to regions of the world in which training is sorely needed… particularly the developing regions of Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America.


IM Jovan Petronic, FIDE Training: Don't Miss the Action!"
(MS-Word or Adobe Acrobat)

Posted by The Chess Drum: 30 January 2005