To René Phillips & family
(after Hurricane Katrina)

Name =
Place_of_Residence = Australia
Email =
Message =
Hang in there mate, you've still got a great family... take one step at a time
to recover from this. Best of luck! Bon
Name = Olape
Place_of_Residence = Nigeria
Email = bunmiolape@hotmail.comMessage = I
believe you, your family members and the entire Louisiana,Mississipi and Alabama
chess family will survive the storm and you will have good story to tell with
regards to your survival instinct on chess board so brother summon courage and
mate hurricane Katrina!!
Name = Lesley-ann
Place_of_Residence = Trinidad
Email = lescarmn32@yahoo.comMessage = To the
Rene Phillips and family I feel your pain, but do remember there is a God
above who cares for all his children, make him your strong hold and the
protector of your family. I will lift you and all families on this day before
God that he give you the strength and protection you all need. God
Name = marvin
Place_of_Residence = usa
Email = mdkiv@aol.comMessage = Your family and your city are in our prayers. Please
send a mailing address if you would like to receive a donation in your time of
Name = Ian
Place_of_Residence = Jamaica
Email = zeusmgh@yahoo.comMessage = Rene, my
brother, we in Jamaica (especially the members of the Jamaica Chess Federation)
share your pain and sorrow, empathize and sympathize wholeheartedly. You have a
number of great things in your favour--- including the crucial fact that you are
a chess player. On the chess battlefield sometimes we suffer adversity (eg the
loss of a piece) but we can still recover to win. I am by no means trivialising
your situation (God forbid!!) but would like you to consider your tragedy as a
temporary setback. You will recover to deliver checkmate! Though it will not be
easy material things can be replaced. As we say in Jamaica "old bring new!".
What is important is that you are alive. I sincerely hope that your family
members, friends students and fellow chess players are also alive. Finally,
please never forget as the motto of my alma mater preaches "the brave may fall
but never yield". Like the Phoenix you and yours will rise stroger and better
than before!!!
Name = Bro. Cliff, KUUMBA
Report Newsletter, Black Knights Chess Club, Baltimore, MD
Email = kuumba@verizon.netMessage =
Ralph Mikell, Captain of the Black Knights Chess Club in
Washington, DC, sent me the message about your predicament. I also know
someone in New Orleans who is still there, caring for his 86-year-old
father. I've been trying to find a way to get there (I'll need at least
one other person to help drive from Baltimore to New Orleans). Our
intention is to halp him as much as we can, take photographs and talk to people
there about what is really happening (he also has said the media accounts are
I'm actually looking at this message about your situation
for the second time. I've called Ralph Mikell and left a message for him
to call me, hoping he may know more about your situation. Are you all
right? Have things either stabilized or improved since the date of this
Internet message? Where are you and your family at this time? What
do you need right now?
Do you have friends, family or others who are
currently helping you?
If you'd like to get in touch with me, I'll give
you my e-mail address (in case it didn't show in the header for this message)
and a phone number, in case you have access to a phone. They
e-mail: kuumba@verizon.netcell phone: (443) XXX-XXXX
I hope things are getting better (or at
least more tolerable) for you and your family. I hope to hear from you (or
at least get an update about your situation) soon. I'm still trying to
find a way to not only make the trip to New Orleans but also to gain access to
the city to check on my friend there (I understand there has been a blockade of
sorts in Jefferson Parrish, effectively preventing aid from getting in, and some
aid convoys have been detained even before reaching Louisiana. One from
Loudon, Virginia was intercepted by state troopers and sent back home,
apparently because only military and police and rescue teams were being allowed
I hope to hear from you, or of you, soon.
Bro. Cliff (Alan
Baltimore, Maryland
Black Knights Chess Club, DC Chess
Name = John
Place_of_Residence = africa by way of america
Email =
mybusinessteam1@yahoo.comMessage = My
prayers go out to you and your family at this time of grief and total shock,
please keep the faith and stay strong my brother, this is the deepest thing I
have ever observed, peace and blessings my brother true love to you and your
Name = Rodney
Place_of_Residence = USA
Email = = Hi
Rene'! Glad to hear that you & the immediate familoy are OK. We met a few
years ago, I grew up playing chess with Alfred, and now live in Dallas. My
father tried to ride the storm out at his house in Pontchartrain Park, and he is
now missing ... so I know first hand some of the emotions that you are dealing
with. If you send me your email address, I will send you info that may be
Place_of_Residence = USA
Email =
Message = MR
Name = David
Place_of_Residence = USA
Email = dallensrchess@yahoo.comMessage = I'm
so glad your family and you are alright! I have family memebers in New
Orleans and Mobile that I still have not heard from. God bless you and all
of the survivors.